Best Practices for School Based Teams Presented by: Sheepshead Bay Team New York, Newtown Team New York, Chicago Talent Development Charter High School Team
Outline: Introductions Teambuilding Scheduling Implementing the model Collaboration around initiatives Questions for the panel Team planning time
Teambuilding Roles and responsibilities As individuals, as a team, within the school On-boarding late members How do we build strong teams when members begin at different points in the year? How do we start the year strong will all members on board?
Scheduling our Time Together Weekly Meeting schedules and informal check-ins How do our meetings support team building? Who is included in each meeting? Other teams share meeting schedules
Scheduling Examples Sheepshead Bay: Monday: Cohort Leader Meeting Tuesday: DN Team Meeting, EWI selection and follow-up meeting Wednesday: EWI Meetings Thursday: Tier 1 Meeting Newtown: Monday: Meeting with Principal, DN team meeting Tuesday: EWI meeting group 1 Wednesday: DN team check in Thursday: EWI meeting group 2 Chicago Talent Development: Tuesday: EWI meetings Thursday: DN Team meeting
Implementing the Model Goal setting What are our common goals? What are the school’s goals? What are our individual goals? Using the STP How do we use this document as a team? When do we use it? How is it updated? How is this document connected to our goals? Who do we present it to?
Implementing the Model continued: Student Support EWI meetings How do we use EWI meetings to spur collaboration? Use of data EWI data Implementation data What do we use to measure positive teaming?
Collaboration around Initiatives Collaboration with School How do we present DN to our school? Including other partners in the school How do we plan initiatives and events? How do we support our partners work? On the Cheap
Questions for the panel?
Team work planning time!