MLA Format How to use MLA format in your research paper and for your Work Cited page.
What is MLA? MLA stands for the Modern Language Association. The Modern Language Association of America (MLA) is the principal professional association in the United States for scholars of language and literature. The MLA aims to “strengthen the study and teaching of language and literature.” Two types of citing: In-Text Citations: when quoting a source or using exact words from a source, you must cite that after the quote. Work Cited Page: an alphabetical list of all the sources you have used in your paper, using the MLA format.
Why do we need MLA formatting? To avoid plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of using the thoughts and words from someone else and claiming them to be your own. When you do not cite your sources in your paper, you are automatically “These are my original thoughts” when that might not actually be the case. To support your argument stated in your thesis: When writing a research paper, you need to use sources to be able to prove your thesis statement with factual evidence.
MLA In-Text Citations Examples: Author named in a signal phrase. Author not named in a signal phrase. Corporate Author Unknown Author A novel, a play, or a poem The Bible An indirect source A work without page numbers An electronic Source Electronic sources often lacks page numbers. If the electronic source has no known author In-Text Citing
Using quotes correctly in your: Quotations can be extremely effective in research papers, if they are used selectively and correctly. You should only quote words, phrases, lines and passages that are particularly interesting and that will support your main points and thesis statement. Every quote that you use in your text should be cited in example: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” wrote Charles Dickens of the eighteenth century. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” (Dickens, 35)
Quotation Sandwich When you are putting a quote from your source you need to have a quote sandwich. Three parts make up your quote sandwich: 1. You must Introduce the quote 2. Then you have to put in the quote 3. Lastly you must explain the significance of the quote Using this technique will help the audience truly understand why this quote is significant to your topic.
Bibliography/Work Cited The last page in your research paper should be your bibliography or work cited page. These are both the same thing, just a list of all your sources in alphabetical order. Whether your sources are a book, article from a magazine, or an electronic source, the sources all need to be written in the correct for according to what kind of source they are. MLA Format