Weather map Rainy Weather map Weather symbols: Drizzle Very cloudy and rainy Sunny. Very hot Rainy and stormy Rain and snow Sunny Sunny and foggy Partly cloudy Sun and rain Storms Clouds Snow Foggy night Cloudy night
Predicción meteorológica para el docente Moderate rain in Galicia. Heavy rains and storms in Asturias and Cantabria. Very cloudy and rainy in La Rioja and País Vasco. In Navarra there will be a combination of rain and snow. Snowy in Zaragoza and Huesca. It will be sunny in Teruel, Cataluña, Valencia, Leon and Palencia, though there will be some rainy spells. The day will be sunny with fog in the rest of Castilla y Leon, as well as in Madrid. In Extremadura, together with Huelva, Sevilla and Cádiz it will be very sunny, with high temperatures. The rest of Andalucia, just sunny. In Castilla La Mancha, it will be sunny but a bit cloudy too. In Murcia, though it was cloudy during the night, it will be sunny. In Albacete, Cuenca and Guadalajara, it will be a bit cloudy. In Toledo and Ciudad Real, the day will be quite cloudy. In the Balearic Islands it will be sunny and in the Canary Islands sunny and very hot.
Listen to the weather forecast that your teacher is going to read to you and place the weather symbols on top of the appropriate places in the map of Spain.