Learning in Reception Self register Managing Talking Books Sorting out book bags and trays Water bottles Coats Shoes/wellies/plimsolls(suitable footwear for inside and outside play)
Whole class learning Calendar- days of the week song, weather song Time to Talk Funky Fingers Phonics (there will be a separate section later) Maths Circle time, philosophy, PSHE RE – all children have taught sessions and attend at least 2 whole school assemblies a week PE/Show and Share: this will be led by a visiting physical education specialist and our Higher Level Teaching Assistants Mrs Heasman and Mrs Goldsworthy.
Continuous Provision This takes place throughout the day inside and outside the classroom. The children take ownership of their learning and independently access opportunities provided, which are sometimes initiated by them.
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum There are 7 areas of learning in the EYFS curriculum. 3 Prime areas(Communication and Language/Personal, Social and Emotional Development/Physical Development 4 Specific areas(Literacy, Maths, Understanding of the World, Expressive Arts and Design)
Characteristics of Effective Learning The ways in which the child engages with other people and their environment: Playing and exploring Active learning Creating and thinking critically These underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner.
Phonics We will be building up to 4 phonic inputs per week in whole class/group situations. You will receive the new sounds learnt so you can support and practise with your child at home. Children learn that spoken words are made up of different sounds (phonemes) and these can be link to letters (graphemes). To read, the children are taught to say the sounds of the letters in the word and then put them together (blending) To spell, the children are taught to say the word, split the word into sounds and write a letter/letters for each sound (segmenting). Please see phase 2 phonic help sheet. You will find the pronunciation of the ‘pure’ sounds at this website:
Reading Children will access books independently, in groups, in whole class story sessions and library visits. We want to ensure that reading is for pleasure, enjoyment and that children are aware that there are fiction (story) and non-fiction (information) books. Children need to be confident and feel secure in their phonic knowledge so they will achieve in this area of learning.
Tapestry and Internet Safety Tapestry- online learning journey used in Reception. Internet safety- at school it is OUR responsibility and at home it is YOUR responsibility. Home zone- this is on the reverse of the class newsletter every week and gives suggestions of what you can do to support learning at home.
Bits and Bobs Trips- we hope to go on at least 1 trip every term and also hope to enhance the curriculum with visitors from the community. Eco and School Council Representative- the children volunteer for these roles and the class either vote or names are pulled out of a hat to make it fair.
Questions? Please feel free to come into your childs classroom