UDL & Differentiation Amanda Estrella EDU673: Instruct, Strat, for Differentiated Teach & Learn Dr. Schoenecker, Kathleen October 09, 2014
Compare and Contrast Two Concepts UDL (Universal Design for Learning) “is a broad set of strategies for accommodating learning differences by planning ahead for the widest range of abilities, minimizing the need for retrofitting lessons as student difficulties arise”(Puckett, 2013). Differentiation is described” as varying approaches to instruction to maximize the achievement of all students ” (Puckett, 2013) Both concepts consists of Flexibility but the difference is that the flexibility for UDL is to design from the start to decrease any barriers and have different options to allow learners to grow from what they know. Differentiation uses flexibility so that lesson can be changed throughout the course if students are having difficulties.
Continues “Each of the three key elements of differentiated instruction, content, process, and product, supports an important UDL Teaching Method for individualized instruction of pattern recognition” (Hall, Strangman, & Meyer, 2011). Both concepts impliment ways to use different technology to assist with learning. Both concepts are tools teachers can use to assist the diversity i of learners in the classroom. “In its early years, the focus of UDL was on the use of technology to facilitate accessibility”(Katz, 2013). The goal for Differentiation was to teach with students in mind.
Explains how you envision blending the concepts in your current or future classroom In my future classroom I envision blending the concepts by providing and encouraging positive interaction among myself and the students. Also to provide students with multiply examples and methods of learning with different materials. I can also provide students with regular feedback on assignments. Keeping my lessons flexible to assist all of my students in different learning methods.
How you will present new information First I would present the topic that is align with the CCSS and have a discussion on what it mean and what they know about it with the students. Then I would create a chart with all the information. As a group or individually students can use different methods to research the topic and see what they come up with that is different from what we have discussed.
How students will demonstrate their prior background knowledge Students will demonstrate their prior background knowledge through formative assessments for example class discussions, a quiz, or observation. I can also implemen different instructional strategies such as Think Pair Share or individual whiteboards.
Your strategies to engage and motivate students Have students create goals for themselves and as a class. Have student incorporate their real life experience into what they are learning. Have different ways of presentation that will keep them engage for example videos, computers, learning websites. Create a safe and positive environment where students feel comfortable asking questions or asking for help.
References Katz, Jennifer (2013) The Three Block Model of Universal Design for Learning:Engaging students in inclusive education. Retrieved on October 09, 2014 from library.ashford.edu/docview/ ?accountid=32521http://search.proquest.com.proxy- library.ashford.edu/docview/ ?accountid=32521 Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2011, January 14). Differentiated instruction and implications for udl implementation. Retrieved from instruction and implications for udl implementation. Puckett, K (2013). Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide. Bridgepoint Education: San Diego, CA.Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide