Exploring Europe's Television Heritage in Changing Contexts Connected to: Funded by the European Commission within the eContentplus programme Johan Oomen Netherlands Institute for Sound and Terena 2012 The EUscreen project: connecting audiovisual collection across Europe
EUscreen in a nutshell A Best Practice Network under eContentpluseContentplus 27 partners (including 19 archives) + associate partners Budget: 4,3 million Euro’s4,3 million Euro’s Started in October Duration: 36 months. Implement EBUcore items to Europeana
Europeana Access to Europe’s cultural heritage EUscreen …access to Europe’s television heritage
Europeana Video Vimeo link
Na Content is displayed in it’s original context
Data providers National Aggregator metadata OAI, FTP etc. Users Domain Aggregators OAI Search Metadata Digital Objects Other services API Search engines Users
23,6 million Gaps: Audio Visual
EUscreen video Vimeo link
Archives Technology providers Research organisations Associate partners Europeana
Content selection
Selection Policy Comparible dimension: East European TV vs. West European TV Television history National identity and ‘Europeanness’
Commenting Embedding Exhibitions Derivative works Remixing Watching QuotationsPlaylistsPublic viewing What can the general public do with videos? Access to Metadata E-Journal
Commenting Embedding Exhibitions Derivative works Remixing Watching QuotationsPlaylistsPublic viewing Content - Scope of rights Content A Content B Content C Access to Metadata E-Journal
Back-end Mapping tool Massive uploads Schema mapping service Quality control and Europeana preview services Annotation tool Item and group level annotation Connection with EUScreen thesauri Search and browsing services
Harvesting Delivery We receive data in these ways: HTTP upload/download FTP upload/download OAI-PMH Data is stored in XML structure.
EUScreen XML EBU RDF Triples Triplestore Linked Data and EUScreen
Domain of lod pilot lod.euscreen.eu (specifies the URI)lod.euscreen.eu The unique EUScreen item identifier is used as the resource identifier Each EUScreen item, according its metadata, is transformed to the appropriate EBU Class Additional metadata are represented with the appropriate EBU Properties EUScreen LOD Pilot
Add more collections Introduce mixed model (metadata vs. enrichment) Future work
Johan Oomen Netherlands Institute for Sound and Terena 2012 The EUscreen project: connecting audiovisual collection across Europe