Early Childhood Epilepsy Severity Scale (E-CHESS) Humphrey A et al. Epilepsy Research (2008) 79: 139— Frequency of seizures 2. Time period over which seizures occurred 3. Number of seizure types 4. Number of anticonvulsants used 5. Response to treatment
Summary of Clinical Characteristics: +PGES, n = 26 Male 16(62%); Female 10(38%) Mean Age Epilepsy Onset, yr (SD; Range): 5.9 (5.4; 0 – 16) Mean Duration of Epilepsy, yr (SD; Range): 7.2 (3.6; 2.1 – 16.4) Mean # Seizure Types (Range): 3 (1 – 6) Mean # Lifetime AEDs (SD, Range): 5 (2.7; 2 – 11) Developmental Disability: 16(62%) GDD (50%) ADHD (25%) ASD (13%) LD (13%)
Longer PGES Duration Significantly Correlates with Presence of GTCS Mann-Whitney U Test 35 s p < s
Longer PGES Duration Significantly Correlates with Lower E-Chess Score Simple Regression Analysis
Longer PGES Duration Significantly Correlates with Less Lifetime Use of AEDs Simple Regression Analysis
Longer PGES Duration Significantly Correlates with Absence of GDD 37.7s p < s Mann-Whitney U Test