Databases vs the Internet Coconino Community College Revised August 2010
QUESTION: What is the main difference between using library databases and search engines? ANSWER: Databases are NOT the Internet. We access databases with Internet browsers, but we are not searching the Internet.
The Internet Is a collection of computer networks that share various types of information worldwide The World Wide Web (www) is a small part of the Internet that is made up of ‘sites’ (or documents) that allow us to share Internet information We access Internet information through URL addresses and/or search engines
Databases A database is an organized collection of information Database contents can be easily accessed, updated and managed Databases can be found in different formats Databases can be accessed via the Internet using browsers Library databases include thousands of magazine articles, newspapers, and scholarly journals
QUESTION: Can’t I find the information contained in databases if I use Internet search engines? ANSWER: No. Copyright protects authors and publishers from other people copying their work without permission. If published material could be accessed for free on the Internet than authors and publishers couldn’t make money. Libraries pay to have access to this information through databases.
QUESTION: So which is best, the Internet or databases? ANSWER: It depends on the information you want. Consider that anyone can publish anything on the Internet so you must be willing to sort through and evaluate an Internet site’s content. Databases are more credible because publishers have checked the contents for accuracy and reliability.
Let’s Compare Library Databases Contain library catalogs, peer-reviewed scholarly journals, magazine and newspaper articles, online books, reference books and images. The Internet Contains personal and company web pages, e- mail, chat rooms, ads, current news and information, and some magazine or newspaper articles.
Let’s Compare Library Databases are reviewed by publishers and experts. The Internet is not reviewed, and anyone can put their ideas or opinions on the Internet.
QUESTION: So when it is important to use library databases instead of the Internet? ANSWER: If you are a student doing research and you are looking for reliable sources of information related to academic subjects. (most college instructors require database research) If you need reliable information from newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, or biographical or statistical information.
QUESTION: And when should I use the Internet? ANSWER: You can use the Internet as a starting point for research, or just for fun -- but you should be willing to spend time sorting through the material to determine its reliability. Be sure to supplement your Internet research with database research.
QUESTION: How do I use the databases? ANSWER: Go to: Arizona State Library Databases and click on Resources for Learners and then High School and Junior High.Arizona State Library Databases
Click Here
These are the most helpful databases
So many issues!!!
If you click view more, you will find a great background source for your 1 st Factoid Friday.
QUESTION: What databases will be most helpful? General OneFile o one-stop source for news, magazine, and periodical articles across a wide range of general interest topics and academic disciplines. With millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text, General OneFile serves a wide audience of readers. InfoTrac Newsstand o provides access to full-text newspapers and allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section, or other fields. The database offers a one-stop source for current news and searchable archives. Opposing Viewpoints the premier online resource covering today’s hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration, to marijuana. Its informed, differing views present each side of an issue and help students develop information literacy, critical thinking skills, and the confidence to draw their own valid conclusions.
QUESTION: How do I cite a database? You do not cite the same way you would cite a website or article from a magazine. Databases have their own unique format. Your choices: At the end of EACH article, there will be a correctly formatted citations for you to use. You can copy and paste this into a document or EasyBib to include your works cited. If that isn’t easy enough for you, you can use EasyBib, but you need to select the database option.
Bottom of the article Option 1 Option 2 EasyBib