Tax FormsTax Entities Terminology Miscellaneous $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Tax EntitiesTax FormsMisc. $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Terminology
Tax Entities $100 Name the 3 entities which collect taxes from individuals
Tax Entities $200 What is the current Sales Tax rate in NJ?
Tax Entities $300 What 2 entities tax your income?
Tax Entities $400 What is the largest part of Local Tax used to pay for?
Tax Entities $500 Federal Tax collects for “these” social services programs (name 2)?
Tax Entities $100-Answer What are Federal, State and Local?
Tax Entities $200-Answer What is 7%?
Tax Entities $300-Answer What are Federal and State?
Tax Entities $400-Answer What are schools?
Tax Entities $500-Answer What are; Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Unemployment.
Tax Forms $100 This is the due date for filing taxes?
Tax Forms $200 This form instructs your employer on how much tax to take out of your paycheck
Tax Forms $300 This is the form that your employer will give you at year end which you will submit when filing your taxes
Tax Forms $400 This is the name of the New Jersey state tax form.
Tax Forms $500 If reporting dividends, interest or “tips”, you would file this form.
Tax Forms $100-Answer What is April 15?
Tax Forms $200-Answer What is a W4?
Tax Forms $300-Answer What is a W2 form?
Tax Forms $400-Answer What is NJ1040?
Tax Forms $500-Answer What is a 1099?
Terminology $100 Depending on your income, you would fall into a certain Tax _______?
Terminology $200 People that you support and can claim on your tax forms are referred to as;
Terminology - $300 When filling out your tax return, each ______ will help reduce your taxable income (Broad category)
Terminology - $400 The more you make, the higher the % tax you pay. This type of tax system is referred to as;
Terminology - $500 Name 2 examples/forms of a Deduction?
Terminology $100-Answer What is Bracket?
Terminology –Answer 200 What are Dependents?
Terminology $300-Answer What are Deductions?
Terminology $400-Answer What is Progressive Tax?
Terminology $500-Answer What are Tax Credits, Dependents, Exemptions?
Misc. $100 What is the name of the Federal Agency responsible for collecting taxes.
This is the highest Federal tax bracket in 2015? Misc $200
Misc $300 Your property taxes are based on 2 components, what are they?
Misc $400 Name 3 states that have NO state income tax?
Misc $500 This type of social service provides health insurance for the indigent (less than $2000 in assets)?
Misc $100-Answer What is IRS?
Misc $200-Answer What 39.6%?
Misc $300-Answer What is the Land and Dwelling?
Misc $400-Answer What are Florida, Nevada, Texas, Wyoming, Washington, Alaska, South Dakota ?
Misc $500-Answer What is Medicaid ?
Final Jeopardy Filing your taxes
Final Jeopardy Mr. Jones is married whose wife is a “stay at home mother”, has 3 children, how many dependents + exemptions can he claim on his tax return?
Final Jeopardy-Answer What is 5?