The regulation of Caspase 8 chIP-seq motifs mRNA expression DNA methylation
Gene Abstracts from Online databases
Mechanisms of Deregulation of Caspase-8 in Cancers – Caspase 8 mutation/SNPs in head and neck carcinoma, colorectal and gastric cancer – Epigenetic silencing of Caspase 8 in pediatric cancers such as neuroblastoma, etc. – Caspase 8 dom. neg. alternative splicing in leukemia and neuroblastoma – Posttranslational changes, inhibitory phosphorylation
Mutations in Caspase 8
The regulation of Caspase 8 Caspase-8 belongs to the family of cysteine proteases that plays a critical role in the regulation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) 1. Examine chIP seq and DNA methylation data -- UCSC Genome Browser -- ~80 TFBS from the ENCODE project 2. TRANSFAC Database from BioBase -- evaluate the 80 TFBS proposed by ENCODE 3. Microarray data - Expression data -- Find genes co-regulated with Caspase 8
The ENCODE Project: 30 papers -- Produced a massive influx of data on DNA elements/gene regulation 8.4 million DNA recognition motifs, transcription wiring diagram 4061 data sets; 72 cell lines; 119 transcription factors
Determining Caspase 8 regulators chIP-seq currently a preferred technique UCSC browser: look for Caspase 8 5’UTR & promoter Position: chr2:202,098, ,152,434 Size: 54,269 Total Exon Count: 10 Strand: + Promoter: chr2: Question: Could SNPs effect Caspase 8 TFBS?
Copyright OpenHelix. No use or reproduction without express written consent 9 A Sample of the UCSC Genome Browser Annotation Tracks reference sequence comparisons gene details SNPs
Copyright OpenHelix. No use or reproduction without express written consent 10 Overview of the Whole Genome Browser Page (2009 Human Assembly) } Genome viewer mRNA and EST Tracks Expression (such as microarray) Comparative Genomics As a group Individual species Variation and Repeats (including SNPs, copy number variation) Groups of data (Tracks) Mapping and Sequencing Tracks Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks (including sno/miRNA data) Phenotype and Disease Tracks Regulation (including TFBS, methyl from ENCODE) Track data may be updated
Table Browser: Make a track intersection Casp8 Promoter coordinates ENCODE chIP-seq data set
Export from UCSC as BED or FASTA file
Indel rs is protective for cancers chIP seq data goes down page…
The Epigenetics of Caspase 8: DNA methylation
ENCODE has more methylation data
CASP8 promter methylation data
Table Browser: Make a track intersection Casp8 Promoter coordinates ENCODE Bisulfite-seq data set
MATCH tool searches promoter
Caspase 8 Promoter Sequence Analysis TRANSFAC Finds 72 good quality targets for TFs
ENCODE: Casp8 Exon expression by RNA-seq
Oncomine: Caspase8 Co-expressed genes – co-expressed genes Based on public Affymetrix array data
IPA: Caspase 8 co-expression networks
IPA: Co- expression network of Casp8
Caspase 8 Regulation Summary UCSC browser contains readily accessible ENCODE and SNP data for cancer studies TRANSFAC can help evaluate chIP-seq data Co-expressed genes and gene set enrichment suggest biological functions