ERASMUS+ Evaluation of the Recognition Process (Long survey) Partial results
ERASMUS+ Methodological note Target audience: exchange students in the partner countries. Data collection technique: web survey open to everyone via link. Dissemination method: s, webpages, social media (methods and schedule may differ across the countries). Number of respondents so far: 562
ERASMUS+ Home and host countries Please indicate the country of your home institution: Please indicate the country of your host institution(s):
ERASMUS+ Exchange programme Please indicate in which exchange programme did you participate during your last exchange:
ERASMUS+ Level of studies What was the level of your studies during the exchange?
ERASMUS+ Obtaining a transcript of records Did you get your transcript of records for the exchange period before leaving the host institution?
ERASMUS+ Responsibility for the delivery of transcripts of records Who is responsible for delivering the transcript of records (issued for you at host institution) to your home institution?
ERASMUS+ Status of the recognition process Has your transcript of records been delivered to your home institution? Is the recognition process finished in your case?
ERASMUS+ Recognised courses and credits How many courses did you complete during your exchange? How many of those courses were recognised by your home institution? How many credits (e.g. ECTS) did you earn in total during your exchange? How many of those credits (e.g. ECTS) were recognised by your home institution?
ERASMUS+ Downgraded grades and credits Were any of your grades downgraded in the recognition process? Were any of your credits (e.g. ECTS) downgraded in the recognition process?
ERASMUS+ Reasons for partial recognition What were the reasons for the partial recognition of your academic achievements? Only respondents with some of the courses or credits not recognised (N=162) Respondents answering “other” often say that there was a limited number of courses or credits that could be recognised (e.g. no more than 30 ECTS per semester) and that they had taken more courses that could be recognised.
ERASMUS+ Effects of partial recognition Did the problems with recognition affect your studies at the home institution? Only respondents with some of the courses or credits not recognised (N=162)
ERASMUS+ Satisfaction with the recognition process Please rate your satisfaction with the recognition process at your university:
ERASMUS+ Opinion on the recognition process Please rate the following statements concerning academic achievement recognition on scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree):
ERASMUS+ Expectations regarding EMREX Please rate how important it is for you that EMREX (or a similar platform) offers following benefits
ERASMUS+ Willingness to use EMREX EMREX is the solution for electronic transfer of student records between higher education institutions in Europe. Students can use online tool to transfer their records from their host institution to their home institution. If EMREX was available for you, would you be willing to use it?