Welcome to Peckforton Class
Who’s who? Miss Hughes - Class teacher Ms Roberts - Teaching assistant Mrs Wolstenholme – Teaching Assistant Mr Goodall - Group support Mrs Shakspeare - Singing/Choir Lee Myers - Team working skills/PE
School times 8.40: School day starts : Play time : Lunch time 3.00: End of school day Clubs- 3.45
Morning and Afternoon procedures
At Castle View we ask that all children Talk in a friendly manner Follow school, class and playground rules Work hard, do their best and complete all work set Do as Teaching, Non Teaching and Parent Staff ask Remember to bring items into school which are needed for that day including correct school uniform/PE kit. Leave things at home if they are not needed Be honest with staff when incidents occur so they can be dealt with quickly
Class rules
Rewards Verbal praise Stamps: Behaviour, homework, effort, correct kit. Certificates Prizes Good work assembly School discos Trips
Consequences Verbal warning Removal of 2 points Moved from place and further removal of points. Resources Room School behaviour report- removal from clubs, trips, school discos. Pupils lose 5 points for - Not bringing in Homework, PE Kit, Home reading book and for being inside school during playtimes and lunch times without permission.
School uniform White polo top/shirt Green school cardigan/jumper Black/Grey trousers/skirt Black shoes not trainers PE Kit White t-shirt Black/blue shorts Trainers/Pumps Please don’t allow pupils to wear nail varnish or jewellery except for stud earrings/watch
Things that can be brought into school School bags Water bottles, filled with water not squash Pupils can bring in special memorabilia to show the class but please no toys. Toast and Milk are 20pence each, each day.
Lessons English 4 Writing sessions including 1 Extended writing 1 Guided Reading session ½ term Fiction and ½ Non Fiction Maths National Framework Science Various topics starting with Gasses Around Us with a focus on developing pupils investigation skills.
Focus Topic The Inventive Victorians We will be covering -School life -Work life -Home life of the rich and poor -New inventions -Famous People -Printings-Art study based on William Morris
Homework/ PE Kit English, Maths, Science. Linked with subjects studying in school. Given out Thursday, due in Tuesday. Homework club-Tuesday Home reader and spellings. PE-Monday, Lee Myers-Tuesday, Dance - Wednesday
Learning at home We encourage pupils to learn outside school through homework and any self learning they want to do. Famous Victorian People Queen Victoria ( ) Lord Shaftesbury ( ) Thomas Edison ( ) Charles Dickens ( ) Isambard Kingdom Brunel ( )
School Reports Will be given out in February not July. Targets that are set will be followed up in the weeks that follow.
If you have any concerns don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for coming. Any questions?