Adjectives vs. Adverbs GRAMMAR
Adjective = bijvoeglijk naamwoord Adjectives can be used to modify nouns Voorbeelden: The beautiful car. My brother is a good footballer. That is a perfect example. An expensive present.
Adverb = bijwoord An adverb can be used to 1. Modify a verb 2. Modify adjectives 3. Modify other adverbs Adjective + ly 1. She sings beautifully. 2. The shoes were outrageously expensive.. 3. She spoke extremely confidently.
Adjective Adjectives often follow linking verbs. In such situations, the adjective describes the subject of the sentence rather than the verb o appear to be to become to feel to get to go to grow to look to prove to remain to seem to smell to sound to stay to taste to turn The verbs in the list above are not always used as linking verbs. She grew angry. The plant grew quickly.
Irregular adverbs Adverbs without -ly He is a good student. He did well at the exam AdjectiveAdverb GoodWell Hard Low Long
Practice: Bijvoeglijk naamwoord of bijwoord? 1. That is an __________________ car.(expensive) 2. She speaks ____________________.(slow) 3. That is a __________________ view.(wonderful) 4. He is __________________ tall.(extreme) 5. We have been working ________. (late) 6. We made that test _____________.(good) 7. My dad always drives too _______. (fast) 8. She sings _______________________. (beautiful) 9. They are _______ working students. (hard) 10. I _________________ set the table.(quick)