Faculta de Ciencias de la Educación Humanas y tecnologías Escuela de Idiomas Names: Patricia Vinueza Susana Novillo Ronald Marroquin
The use of adjectives is essential when trying to describe a noun or pronoun. Good writers and speakers are able to use adjectives to create clear, mental images for the reader or listener.
Adjectives can be used to describe lots of things, from physical size, age, shape, colour, material, to more abstract things like opinion, origin and purpose.
Adjectives that express opinions usually come before all others, but it can sometimes depend on what exactly you want to emphasize. For example: That's a nice, big, blue bag." (You like the bag.) That's a nice blue." (You like the colour.)
Position1st*2nd*3rd4th5th6th7th8th OpinionSizeAgeShapeColourMaterialOriginPurpose NiceSmallOldSquareBlackPlasticBritishRacing UglyBigNewCircularBlueCotton America n Running
You might swap adjectives that express an opinion and an adjective based on fact depending on what you wish to emphasize: For example: "She had a long, ugly nose." emphasizing the length of her nose. "He was a silly, little man." emphasizing that the man was silly.
For example: "She had a big, ugly, old, baggy, blue, stripy, cotton, British, knitting bag."
Here are some examples: The interesting, small, rectangular, blue car is parked in my space." I bought a beautiful, long, red, Italian, silk tie." My father lives in a lovely, gigantic, ancient, brick house." I have an annoying, small, circular, American, tin, alarm clock that wakes me up." Let’s order a delicious, huge, rectangular, pepperoni pizza." We all love our smart, petite, British teacher." They all received several dazzling, small, ancient, gold coins." She owns a stunning, large, old, brown dog named Boris."
1) I bought a pair of _____ shoes. a) black leather b) leather black 2) It was a ____ car. a) red fast b) fast red 3) It's a ____ building. a) big round b) round big 4) I bought ____ knife. a) a Swiss army b) an army Swiss 5) It's ____ film. a) a beautiful old b) an old beautiful 6) He's ____ man. a) an unfriendly rich b) a rich unfriendly 7) It's ____ phone. a) a mobile expensive b) an expensive mobile. I bought ____ knife. a b a a a a b