Fairy Tale “Twists” using the 6 traits Valerie Albuck-8 th Grade Language Arts Tefft Middle School, School District U-46 This learning activity was developed as part of the requirements for the Aurora University / District U-46 graduate credit course Online Resources to Enhance Learning: OEDP-5029,Spring 2006, under the guidance of instructor Richard Levine
Student TASK Students will manipulate various popular fairytales using the following 6 traits of writing techniques: Conventions Organization Ideas Word Choice Voice Sentence Fluency
Goals and Curriculum n STATE GOAL 1: READ WITH UNDERSTANDING AND FLUENCY. 1.A.3b Analyze the meaning of words and phrases in their context. 1.A.3b Analyze the meaning of words and phrases in their context. n 1.B.3c Continuously check and clarify for understanding (e.g., in addition to previous skills, draw comparisons to other readings).
Goals & Curriculum, cont. n STATE GOAL 2: Read and understand literature representative of various societies, eras and ideas. n 2.A.3a Identify and analyze a variety of literary techniques (e.g., figurative language, allusion, dialogue, description, word choice, dialect) within classical and contemporary works representing a variety of genres. n 2.A.3b Describe how the development of theme, character, plot and setting contribute to the overall impact of a piece of literature. n 2.A.3d Identify ways that an author uses language structure, word choice and style to convey the author’s viewpoint. n 2.B.3a Respond to literary material from personal, creative and critical points of view
Goals & Curriculum, cont. n STATE GOAL 3: Write to communicate for a variety of purposes. n 3.A.3 Write compositions that contain complete sentences and effective paragraphs using English conventions n 3.B.3a Produce documents that convey a clear understanding and interpretation of ideas and information and display focus, organization, elaboration and coherence. n 3.B.3b Edit and revise for word choice, organization, consistent point of view and transitions among paragraphs using contemporary technology and formats suitable for submission and/or publication. n 3.C.3b Using available technology, produce compositions and multimedia works for specified audiences.
Goals & Curriculum, cont. nSnSnSnSTATE GOAL 4: Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations. n4n4n4n4.A.3c Restate and carry out multi step oral instructions. n4n4n4n4.B.3a Deliver planned oral presentations, using language and vocabulary appropriate to the purpose, message and audience; provide details and supporting information that clarify main ideas; and use visual aids and contemporary technology as support
Bloom’s Taxonomy Comprehension: Students will distinguish parts and characters in a favorite fairy tale. They will demonstrate knowledge of the 6 traits. Application: Students will apply knowledge of the 6 traits of writing by examining the writing techniques used in the fairy tale.
Bloom’s Taxonomy…Cont. Analysis: Student’s will analyze different characters and select a new character to tell the story and explain how the story will be different. They will look for elements of the 6 traits in the original fairy tale and “score” each trait. Synthesis: Students will design a story map of their new fairy tale. They will rearrange the plot based on their character’s point of view. Students will plan how they will improve the 6 trait “score” in their version of the fairy tale. Students will then create their new story. They will organize the plot of their story properly, and select interesting words & phrases. –Evaluation: They will evaluate their story by grading it for the 6 traits and comparing it to the original.
What is a Fairy Tale “TWIST”? Take a favorite fairy tale….Pick a character different from the one usually telling the story. Retell the same story from the chosen character’s point of view. What would happen if we heard the story of Sleeping Beauty from the evil fairy’s perspective?
What is “6 Traits”? The 6+1 Traits of writing is a program developed by the Northwest Regional Educational Library. It is used to break writing down into specific components. The components are as follows: –Organization- The writer chooses an order that works well. –Conventions- Capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar usage. –Ideas-The paper is focused, clear, specific, and full of imagery and details. –Word Choice- The words are clear, visual and accurate. –Voice- The writers personality and emotion shines through. –Sentence fluency- Clear, varied and natural sentences are used. –+1- Presentation- the paper is neat, handwriting is legible. The writing is graded on a 6 point scale. There is an example rubric at the end.
Engaged Learning Indicators Students are engaged in authentic tasks. They are creating stories to demonstrate their ability in using the 6 traits. Student work is collaborative because they will share ideas with other students who are working on the same story. The teacher is a facilitator. There is an end product for the students to achieve. The teacher will provide all the resources for students to accomplish their product. Assessment will be a rubric. The students will be assessed on each part of the process as well as the final product.
Learning Activity Students will c cc choose a fairy tale from a list given to them online & use the 6 traits rubric to g gg grade the fairy tale AS GIVEN. They will use online resources to p pp practice the 6 traits, and twisting fairy tales (United Streaming videos in small groups). They will fill out a story map as they watch the video, and work with their group to twist the fairy tale. Then they will work on their own! They will c cc choose a character from a fairy tale to tell their story. They will m mm make a character sketch and a story map of the story using Kidspiration. They will c cc create their new story, attempting to better the score of each of the 6 traits. ** They will c cc compare their story to the original for the 6 traits and share with the class in a multi-media presentation.
Online Resources 6 trait descriptions and activities, fairytale links What is a fairytale? List of fairytale links More links to fairy tales 6 trait practice United Streaming videos (for large or small group practice) G:\character map.kid Kidspiration character map G:\storymap.kid Kidspiration story map
Students will use technology to: Practice the 6 traits by using the links on the internet. Practice manipulating a fairy tale movie with a group from United Streaming. Fairy tale example movies are on United Streaming. (Use a Kidspiration map to help follow the plot or character relationships in the movie). Look up fairy tales to use on the internet. Organize information (character & plot) by using Kidspiration. Write the story using Word. Present the story with visual aids (power point)
Final Products The final student product will be a word document of the fairy tale twist. They will also have completed 2 rubrics. One for the original story and one for their twist. (teacher should also use the rubric to score the twist. The student’s and teacher’s grade could be combined.) Students should have created a story map and character map for their twist created on the kidspiration program. They will have a visual aid (power point or other of their choice) to present to the class or a group. The power point could be illustrations to go along with their story.
6-Traits RUBRIC & Presentation RUBRIC Click on the link above to view the rubric used for 6-traits Oral Presentation Rubric.doc Click on the link above to view the rubric used for the multi- media presentation.