The Leadership Presentation Interview with Sarah Long Chelsea Fulton Strength Based Leadership Spring 2015
And the Leader is…. Sarah Long 2012 Baylor University graduate Major is child and family studies Currently employed as a preschool teacher in Nashville, TN Favorite books are: the Bible and Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Loves Traveling!! Sarah has been apart of several mission trips to Africa and loved every minute of it. She plans to return one day to continue to help others and speak Gods word.
Connections Sarah was my CG mom (connection group through church) Our CG met weekly for bible study Sarah’s role as a leader started to grow in our group.
The CG
Defining Leadership Q: Sarah please define leadership in your own words? Sarah: Leadership is someone who possess good qualities and someone who everyone can trust. It’s the person you want to be by your side in the end telling you, “its okay we will go through it together.” The best way for me to define it is with one picture:
Being a leader consist of? Q: What does being a good leader consist of? Sarah: I think it means you’re willing to serve. You have the ability to not only delegate tasks, but also are willing to help with the tasks. You’re approachable, liked, respected, and a team player.
Trust? Q: Do leaders need trust to be able to make great leaders? Sarah: YES!!!! Absolutely. Q: That was short, sweet, and to the point. Sarah: Trust gets you every where in life. If you don’t have trust, you don’t have anything.
Inspiring Leaders Q: Do you have any inspiring leaders that you are willing to follow and work with? Sarah: Yes I have two. The first is Jesus because He would be the person that I aspire to be like. He was fierce in his convictions and never wavered when questioned and He lead by serving, which is something I think is vital in being a effective leader. Continue to next slide
Inspiring Leaders (cont.) Q: Do you have any inspiring leaders that you are willing to follow and work with? Sarah: The second is Kyle. Kyle is one who possesses a lot of wisdom, he cares a lot about me, and he spoke life into me. I completely trust him and his judgment. Kyle Dunn is the college minister at Highland Baptist Church in Waco, TX which is the church Sarah and I both went to.
Natural Leaders Q: Do you think some people are natural born leaders, why? Sarah: Yes there are some. I also think that being a leader is something you can be taught. Some people’s personality and traits better suit being a leader over others.
Characterize Q: How would you characterize your leadership role? Sarah: I’m someone who sees the good in people and I normally do not look at their poor qualities. I hand out encouragement like candy! Mainly because you never know who you can inspire by just giving them a little encouragement.
Traits and Skills Q: Do you think you provide any leadership traits or skills? What are they? Sarah: I like to think I provide inspiration, care, encouragement. I like to think I lead with good examples, and that I support all who are around me. I expect the best out of people. My drive in life is always set at 100%.
Hard Times Q: What is the hardest part about being a leader for you? Sarah: Oh I would have to say all of it some days. There are days where my personal business gets in my head and makes for a bad day, but I have to keep remembering that others are watching me and I can’t let them down. They expect just as much out of me as I expect out of them.
Let the credits roll… This interview with Sarah Long was taken over a four day period. It was conducted through a series of phone calls, text messages, and lots of prayers.