Czech Republic-District Benešov Benešov - potato production area The terrain is mostly gently undulating and hilly, with a relatively low proportion of sloping soils. Above-average conditions are for growing potatoes Average conditions for the growing cereals and oilseed rape
The soils are predominantly sandy loam, mostly brown soils.
Soil analysis on our field Dry matter100 % Nitrogen (nitrous)17,35 mg/kg Nitrogen (ammoniacal)0,95 mg/kg C Ox1,26% Sulphur68 mg/Kg Sulphates92 mg/kg pH6,15 Phosphorus78 mg/kg Kalium119 mg/kg Calcium1 388 mg/kg Magnesium135 mg/kg
Conditions for agriculture average altitude 450m avr. Temperature ( ) 5-6°C average rainfall mm average temperature in 20124,7°C Average rainfall in mm
Our field (1 ha) Preciding crops: alfalfa - 6 years spring wheat Winter oil seed rape - last year
Fertilisation On the field, there was no fertilization only in winter oilseed rape was sprayed immediately after seeding against weed and then against pests.
Autumn soil preparation Autumn soil preparation was carried out in October with one-way plow. Plowing was carried out to the depth of 25 cm Here too, there was no fertilization
Seeds We decided to grow spring barley variety Malz We bought seed already cleaned and stained.
Properties of seeds Malting variety Many offshoots Grain is medium It has medium strong stalk Suitable for growing in all production areas.
Spring soil preparation For the preparation of topsoil is first applied harrow.
We added to the soil chemical fertilizer 55kg pure nitrogen (N) on one hectare.
Then we incorporated chemical fertilizer and create a seedbed using a compactor
Seeding Was used seeder ROSS FLORA 300
Sowing We sowed on 23 April.It was sunny avarage temperature (7 a.m, 2 p.m., 9 p.m.-2x) 18,5°C rainfall 4 mm Row spacing 11 cm Seed rate 220Kg/ha
Observation Immediately after emergence of crop we will check: Number of plants per 1m² Weed Pest Disease
Thanks for watching ! Created:Jiří Doležal