if the Housing Commissioner determines that the residential project was not feasible because of the number of inclusionary units and could be made feasible with permission to build more market rate units then the developer may apply to the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals (“BMZA”) to receive up to a 20% density bonus -- permission to build up to 20% more market rate units. This bonus process is only available for projects receiving a significant land use authorization or rezoning.
at least 50% at or below a low affordable cost for ownership units or at or below a very low affordable cost for rental units; and the remaining 50% may be provided at a moderate affordable ownership cost or moderate affordable rent.
10% Affordable units required: 10% of all residential units must be provided to eligible households at or below a moderate affordable cost. The residential project entitled to a certain cost-offsets subject to the availability of City funds to provide these cost offsets. 20% Density Bonus possible as a cost offset IF all of the affordable units are priced at a LOW affordable cost.
All other Projects 30 units or more On application by a developer to the Housing Commissioner, modification or waiver available if… “even with available cost offsets, the economic return to the developer for the entire development would be less than it would be absent the requirement for affordable units.”