QUALI’VOLAILLE Production and sale of free range poultry products
The Team
Problem Statement In 2005, the government of Senegal banned the importation of chickens to prevent diseases and also to promote local production in the country. Until now some fraudsters still make their ways in the imported poultry business. In May 2016, the Senegalese customs ceased more than 2500 kgs of imported chicken drumsticks trying to get to our markets. Local production is encouraged but yet, kept at the lowest cost of the production. The consequence to such situation, being less quality, less control, less production time and more chemicals. Local producers have both challenges to meet demands and supply poultry at an affordable price to market. However, isn’t public health threatened?
Solution to the Problem Quali’Volaille will produce and supply free range chicken that will meet quality, hygiene and nutrition standards to the free range niche market. FREE RANGE NICHE MARKET
Current Market Landscape The percentage of chemicals and nutritional value of our products are what differentiate us from our competitors that are mainly conventional chicken farmers. Feeding ResourcesFeeding Resources Nutritional Value Low to High Conventio nal %OFCHEMICALS%OFCHEMICALS Free Range Organic QUALI’ VOLAIL LE
The Market Our value is transparency in the process, local involvement and greater health. Based on that, we have three important market segments for our product: Household consumers, Restaurants, Food Store Chains. We also target fresh food markets where organic products are taking great advantage on conventional products. Because of the unique nature of our process, it will also be interesting to raise awareness and educate our potential partners and customers.
Product Our free range poultry meets the demand of the targeted niche market for hygiene, quality and environment standards. Because our customers care about their health, our added value is transparency and higher production control. Quali’Volaille free range project is still at an idea stage. However we plan to start our production early 2017 and expect our first sales 3 months later.
Marketing Brand building via: Social Media (Website, Blog) Call to action with online spots Advertising ( Radio, Word of Mouth, TV) 9/30/2016
Channels of Distribution Our target customer base is located locally in the city of Dakar. We will make our product available for delivery or in nearest food chain stores. QUALI’VOLA ILLE DELIVER SERVICE CUSTOMER FOOD STORE
Financial Forecast Revenues (based on actuals and projections) Year 1Year 2Year 3 Revenue Stream Revenue Stream 2 Total Expenses (indicate categories and forecasts for recurring operating costs) Year 1Year 2Year 3 Marketing Operating expenses Administration Other Total Net Profit (Revenues – expenses before tax and depreciation) Net Income (Net profit after tax and depreciation)
Milestones To be able to move our idea to early stage, we need financing for production costs but we also need partnerships and or/mentorships especially for trainings.
Investment and Use of Proceeds To start running our free range production, we need $30000 to Build our greenhouses and necessary equipment. Cover our working capital Hire and train staff Carry out our marketing Strategy We aim to start with 1000 free range products in Year 1. In Year 2, we plan to have 2000 and 3000 in Year 3. The price of our product will vary between $8 and $12. In Year 3, we predict $24000 worth of revenues with a net income after tax and depreciation of $15170.
9/30/2016 THANK YOU!