UNIT 2 SEMINAR: Body of Evidence CM103: Effective Writing I for Criminal Justice Majors Welcome to seminar! We will begin at the top of the hour. Please feel free to chat with your classmates in the interim. Unit 2 Project explained Overview of the Student Writing Guide I Question and Answers about the assigned reading: "Serial Killers"
Before we get into the content of the session…. OPENING REMARKS
GETTING STARTED This assignment should not involve research. Instead, refer back to the reading from Unit 1 (pp of Rules for Writers). Before writing your student response project, you may find it helpful to try listing, clustering, free-writing, asking a journalist's questions, or keeping a journal. Although it’s not required, you may find it helpful in organizing your ideas. Note: Unit 2 Reading: “The Writing Process,” pp with exercises. Unit 2 Project UNIT 2 PROJECT
PROJECT DIRECTIONS For your Unit 2 Project, you will compose a word original response to one or two of the following questions. Be sure to explain your answers as clearly as possible. This is your chance to give your own personal reaction. Answer no more than two of the following: Why do you think that so many Americas are fascinated with serial killers? What challenges do law enforcement officials face when investigating serial killers? What roles do poverty and mental illness play in the development of serial killers? In a court of law, what can be done to ensure that alleged serial killers are given a fair trial? RESOURCES: Serial Killers: Do We Know Enough to Catch Them? Student Writing Guide I Unit 2 Project, cont. UNIT 2 PROJECT
Unit 2 Project Rubric: How will your project be graded? UNIT 2 PROJECT Credit Student work successfully shows the following: 1.A well crafted response that answers 1 or 2 given questions 2. Concrete-based language and strong imagery are used throughout the response to communicate the point. No Credit Student work shows the following: 1.The response does not focus on answering 1 or 2 given questions 2. The response is not submitted UNIT 2 PROJECT RUBRIC: Student Response Project (110 Total Points)
Student Writing Guide I: School of Criminal Justice OVERVIEW: WRITING GUIDE Rules for Writers is available to help you develop and refine your writing skills. There are readings and exercises in each unit. The Student Writing Guide serves another very important purpose.
Let’s take some time to go over the function and application of the guide in this course. OVERVIEW: WRITING GUIDE
Sarah Glazer (2003). The CQ Researcher “Serial Killers: Do We Know Enough to Catch Them?” Q & A: “SERIAL KILLERS” “The FBI says its criminal profiling helps find serial killers, but critics say profiles have little science behind them and can lead investigators astray.” Questions? Comments? Access Issues?
BRAINSTORMING How do you brainstorm? Make lists? Outline? Use clustering, mapping, or webbing? Use charts or graphs? Free write? Something else? Brainstorming is one way to generate ideas.
CRAFTING A THESIS Best Advice from Diana Hacker, author of Rules for Writers… Tattoo on the inside of your eyelids the following definition "[A thesis] is a debatable point, one about which reasonable persons can disagree. It is not merely a fact [...]. Nor is it a statement of belief [or faith] [...]. Neither facts nor beliefs can be substantiated by reasons, so they cannot serve as a thesis for an argument" (Hacker, p. 574). Know that your thesis statement serves as the crux of the argument that is your paper; it is your informed opinion about your paper's subject… Hacker, D. (2008). Rules for writers (6 th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press.
BRAINSTORMING (CONT.) The best way to learn about focusing a topic is to practice. As a group, we will explore some possible topics and talk about ways we can narrow our topic and distill that into a one sentence statement.
LAW ENFORCEMENT POSSIBLE TOPICS Less than lethal use of force Remote offender tracking and GPS Electronic surveillance and civilian privacy Reliability of Brain Fingerprinting Digitalization of police records
CORRECTIONS POSSIBLE TOPICS Privatization as a cost effective means of managing prisons The SuperMax system as a response to violent offenders Rehabilitation in the prison system (Is it possible? Is it cost effective?) Cell phone bans in prisons Mixed gender issues in prisons (Should females guard males and vice versa?)
POSSIBLE TOPICS DISASTER MANAGEMENT Mass Casualty Incidents and crowd control (or Martial Law) Use of social networking for emergency and disaster responses Effectiveness of electronic models to predict natural disasters Civilian preparedness Hospital (or prison) evacuation planning, procedures, and responses
POSSIBLE TOPICS FIRE SCIENCE Emergency services in rural areas (Should rural residents pay city fire houses to respond to rural fires?) Technology and Fire Science (How has the evolution of technology changed the field of fire science?) Technology and forensics in arson investigation Risk assessment and fire prevention in urban and/or rural areas Controlled pyrotechnics in entertainment venues (theater productions, concerts, or public fireworks displays)
Unit 2 Expectations Unit 2 Project Due Reading Seminar DB – “Serial Killers” article
Unit 3 expectations We will not meet for Unit 3 because of Thanksgiving. Next seminar will be on Thursday, Dec. 1. Reading DB – Brainstorming for your final paper