ASIMO Tomorrow's Humanoid Robot Jason Peach Technical Writing 4/5/2009
Abstract This design, is of a modern day robot, named ASIMO. It is one the most advance humanoid robot in the world. It is being designed and developed by Honda Research Institute in Japan.
Introduction In the lower right corner of figure 1, is the humanoid robot, ASIMO. This robot is the most advanced of its kind. NO other robot has been able to match its advance engineering design. Its remarkable amount of degrees of freedom are approaching human. This robot is so advanced, it can communicate and carry on a conversation with a human being. Some of its other abilities include, being able to walk up stairs, use a knife to cut vegetables and even able to fetch a beer out of the fridge. Figure 1 – a Design of a 20 th Century Robot
Design Concept The image at the right displays the height of ASIMO and typical house appliances. ASIMO is 120 centimeters tall. This is a very convenient height because I would be able to interact with people and access most house appliances. In the picture at the right, ASIMO is a representation of an office, where it is also at a convenient height to access or provide assistance for its occupants. The whole idea behind this humanoid robot was to developed a useful but small robot. this robot was designed to be used in any everyday house hold to help with simple jobs.
Intelligence Technology As of December 5, 2002, Honda has updated ASIMO intelligence technology. This means now, that ASIMO is capable of recognizing and interpreting the movements and gestures of humans. As a result, ASIMO can choose to respond accordingly. ASIMO's ability to interact with humans has vastly improved. It can approach and follow human direction as they instruct "him" to do things. ASIMO can even recognize people's faces and greet them by name. In addition, ASIMO works as sort of a wireless computer, accessing Internet, and other wireless devices, while proceeding with tasks and duties previous instructed to follow. ASIMO is the world’s first humanoid robot to demonstrate such a wide range of intelligent and useful capabilities. It can recognize hand gestures and faces.