Marvelous Mini-lessons for Beginning Writing West Texas Innovation Summit August 12, 2016 Shay Troutman, Literacy Coordinator Lubbock-Cooper ISD
Turn & Talk What is a mini-lesson?
Mini-lesson Students Writing Teacher Conferring Sharing Focus of Mini-lessons Writing Process Conventions Craft
Selecting a Mini-lesson Topic from the IFD
Process- Marvelous Minilessons for Teaching Beginning Writing, K-3 by Lori Jamison Rog How to Write In Kindergarten pp Tuck a Topic in Your Pocket pp Writing Ideas Bingo pp Topic Tree pp “I Can Write a Book” pp Sticky Dot Details pp Five Finger Planner pp Storm and Sort pp Planner pp Turn it Into a Story pp Go to resources/books/591 to download Chapter 2 from Bonus Materials. resources/books/591
Going to the Movies: Sharing Mini-lessons
Selecting a Mini-lesson Topic from the IFD
Conventions- Invitation to Notice The TEKS require students to recognize, use and understand... Grammar is reading and writing crashing together to make meaning. Correcting is NOT teaching! Practice is not teaching.
Conventions- Invitation to Notice Her parents named her Chrysanthemum.
Conventions- Invitation to Notice 1. Make a PLAN a. Name an important pattern of power for grade level. b. Brainstorm kid-friend focus phrase that focuses on function and use. c. Find a sentence or two in a mentor text that demonstrates the principle. 2. Invitation to NOTICE a. Teacher displays sentence or sentences, reads it aloud twice, and asks, “What do you notice?” b. Students notice, wonder, and share. c. Teacher honors all responses and prompts students to build a theory about the function of the convention. d. After the convention is discovered, the teacher works in focus phrase and may have students repeat it. e. Teacher and students may construct an anchor chart. 3. Invitation to COMPARE/CONTRAST 4. Invitation to IMITATE 5. Invitation to CELEBRATE 6. Invitation to APPLY PATTERN ACROSS the DAY and CURRICULUM 7. Invitation to EDIT
Selecting a Mini-lesson Topic from the IFD
Conventions- Invitation to Notice Wemberly worried in the morning. Trevor read in the afternoon. Kara snacked after school.
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