Facelets Mimi Opkins CECS493 Fall 2016
Facelets User interfaces are typically a web application’s most volatile aspect during development, and they are often comprised of brittle code that is difficult to change, making user interfaces expensive to develop. You can implement flexible UIs with Facelets.
Facelets Tags Facelets supports a number of tags for templating and other purposes. Facelets tags can be grouped in these categories: Including content from other XHTML pages ( ui:include ) Building pages from templates ( ui:composition, ui:decorate, ui:insert, ui:define, ui:param ) Creating custom components without writing Java code ( ui:component, ui:fragment ) Miscellaneous utilities ( ui:debug, ui:remove, ui:repeat ) To use Facelets tags, add the following namespace declaration to your JSF page: xmlns:ui="
Facelets Tags
Templating with Facelets Most web applications follow a similar pattern, in which all pages have a common layout and styling. For example, it is typical for pages to have the same header, footer, and sidebars. Facelets lets you encapsulate that commonality in a template, so that you can update the look of your site by making changes to the template, not the individual pages. Facelets templates encapsulate functionality that is shared by multiple pages, so you don’t have to specify that functionality individually for each page. Encapsulation is the cornerstone of both object-oriented programming, and the well-known DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle. My opinion: use CSS for layout
When you place the ui:debug tag in a Facelets page, a debug component is added to the component tree for that page. If the user types a hotkey, which by default is CTRL+SHIFT+d, JSF opens a window and displays the state of the component tree and the application’s scoped variables.
Facelets debug output
Examining the component tree and scoped variables You can click on Component Tree or Scoped Variables, to show the component tree or the application’s scoped variables
Using ui:debug The ui:debug tag is useful during development, so developers can instantly see the current page’s component tree and the application’s scoped variables You will probably want to remove the tag in production. For that reason, we recommend that you put the ui:debug tag in a template, where it is specified in one place, and shared among many views, instead of replicating the tag in each view’s XHTML page.
Sometimes, to find out which part of a JSF page causes a stack trace, you may want to use the time-honored divide-and-conquer strategy of commenting out parts of the page to isolate the offending component. Somewhat surprisingly, the XML comments are not useful for this purpose. For example, if you comment out a button in an XHTML page, like this:
JSF will process the value expression #{msgs.loginButtonText}, and place the result, as a comment, in the generated HTML page. Assuming that #{msgs.loginButtonText} evaluates to Log In, you will see the following in the generated HTML page: If the getLoginButtonText() method throws an exception, then the XML comments don’t help you at all. Instead, use ui:remove, like this:
Handling Whitespace The handling of whitespace in Facelets pages can be a bit surprising. By default, whitespace is trimmed around components. For example, consider the tags: They are separated by whitespace (the newline after the h:outputText and the spaces before h:inputText ). Facelets won’t turn that whitespace into a text component. This is a good thing—otherwise the tag sequence would not work correctly inside an h:panelGrid. However, if you have two links in a row, the whitespace handling is unintuitive. The tags Yield links PreviousNext with no space in between. The remedy is to add a space with a value expression #{' '}.
ui:repeat The ui:repeat tag repeatedly inserts its body into the page. Useful for data tables:
ui:repeat Attributes The ui:repeat tag has several attributes that can make it a better choice than h:dataTable in some situations. The following attributes let you iterate over a subset of the collection: offse t is the index at which the iteration starts (default: 0) step is the difference between successive index values (default: 1) size is the number of iterations (default: (size of the collection – offset) / step) For example, if you want to show elements 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 of a collection, you use:
More ui:repeat Attributes - varStatus The varStatus attribute sets a variable that reports on the iteration status. The iteration status has these properties: Boolean properties even, odd, first, and last, which are useful for selecting styles. Integer properties index, begin, step, and end, which give the index of the current iteration and the starting offset, step size, and ending offset. Note that begin = offset and end = offset + step × size, where offset and size are the attribute values from the ui:repeat tag.
More ui:repeat Attributes - index The index property can be used for row numbers: