Cross Economy Case Study The WRaPT team supported Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust together with Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust in their joint redesign of community service delivery across the Wigan borough. This new model of care required urgent analysis due to a requirement by the commissioning organisation to fully understand how their stipulated reduction in service costs would be delivered. In their revised clinical model, the organisations identified a selected number of changes to their current activity and workforce that required analysis though WRaPT. These elements included; 1. The introduction of a Single Point of Access and the consequent impact on administration functions and triage activities. 2. Recruitment to new roles that would absorb non specialist activities from specialist roles. 3. Reduced travel time due to the introduction of mobile technology. Workforce data was obtained from both organisations and collated together. Activity data was collected and analysed with respect to the required outcomes. This was necessary to ensure that it was indicative of the processes being analysed. Drivers where derived from the resultant data. Multiple discussions where had with the operational leads to refine and validate the drivers by team. Defining the Data
Cross Economy Case Study The resultant WRaPT scenarios where presented by the organisations to the commissioning CCG along with the their detailed tender style document. WRaPT figures provided quantifiable data to validate the qualitative detail of their new clinical model. It showed how the changes in service delivery would impact their workforce structure and costs over time, evidencing and validating the clinical decision base. WRaPT will also be used throughout these changes to measure actual outcomes against forecasted values, thus providing the teams with an additional layer of visibility and enabling them to adjust their models of delivery where necessary and avoid potential risk. Outcomes ‘WRaPT has proved an excellent tool to support clinicians in designing the appropriate workforce for our redesigned model of care. We have been able to integrate and analyse data across organisations and build scenarios to test the proposed changes in care. We now have an effective tool to safely model our new workforce and have committed to use WRaPT for all workforce changes within the ICNT project’ (Kristina Wright; Elective Services Clinical Lead, Adults Services Directorate, Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) ‘WRaPT has proved an excellent tool to support clinicians in designing the appropriate workforce for our redesigned model of care. We have been able to integrate and analyse data across organisations and build scenarios to test the proposed changes in care. We now have an effective tool to safely model our new workforce and have committed to use WRaPT for all workforce changes within the ICNT project’ (Kristina Wright; Elective Services Clinical Lead, Adults Services Directorate, Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) “The WRaPT tool is a fantastic tool to aid the support of Workforce Planning and redesign. The tool brings it to life for clinicians to see how they can plan their service needs and models of care efficiently. The WRaPT team offered excellent support and expertise knowledge to the clinicians on the project to test the proposed changes in the model. (Kathryn Sharkey; Workforce Information Manager, Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) “The WRaPT tool is a fantastic tool to aid the support of Workforce Planning and redesign. The tool brings it to life for clinicians to see how they can plan their service needs and models of care efficiently. The WRaPT team offered excellent support and expertise knowledge to the clinicians on the project to test the proposed changes in the model. (Kathryn Sharkey; Workforce Information Manager, Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)