CREATING ASYNCHRONOUS LESSONS WITH YOUR POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS Joanne Caione-Keating, Widener University, Instructional Technologist
The Slide Show Tab & Narration You may have the option of different quality levels. Higher quality (CD) makes the file too big to easily share. Telephone (or the preset) is usually sufficient. TEST IT OUT! Linking the file may be necessary if you have a very big audio file – but you must keep the linked audio in the same file folder as the PPT.
BE SURE YOU ARE PREPARED AND KNOW YOUR SCRIPT… Clicking OK starts the recording! Your final prompt will be asking for your starting point (unless you are already on the first slide)
Some tips to keep in mind Avoid the umms and ahhs – plan it out Pause between slides and wait 1 second into the next slide (silence commands attention) Practice the narrating over 5-8 slides first Start with a COPY of your original PPT Narrate over slide transitions – lost data Bullet-point your audience to death Stay too long on one slide – fade objects in Use music – narration can be the only audio Forget you are on stage – show your personality! DODON’T
At the end of the presentation… Click the BLACK “End of Slide Show” Screen to conclude your recording Prompt asks if you want to save the Slide Timings. You should SAVE them if you want the PPT to advance automatically as your narration advances.
Slide Timings Saving the Timings gives you a Slide Sorter view of your presentation with exact time notations.
If you need to re-record any of the slides, simply restart the recording process from the slide that needs a change and, rather than progressing to the next slide, hit the ESC key when you are done and then save the new timing. Slides can be Re-Recorded Individually
You can upload the completed PPT file with embedded narration into your Cruiser class, but keep in mind that your students will need to open the file in PPT to complete the assignment Other options to avoid this possible learning barrier? You are viewing a PowerPoint Presentation with video via Present.Me
YES, REALLY. Present.Me Using PowerPoint and PDFs to engage your audience. Really?? 1. Upload PPT slides and PDFs 2. Upload Audio and/or Video files 3. Click START to Narrate while you go through your slides 4. Pause if you need a breath, a break, a snack… 5. Crop/Edit on the fly, at the pauses 6. Click STOP when you are done 7. Share your presentation: public URL (or password protected), or embed it in your LMS class 8. Enable a conversation by allowing viewer comments
Educational Acct from WU Free to Faculty Unlimited Recordings Private or Public Viewers login to watch Here is a sample Take a tour of the public videos and be inspired Engage your students with the personal touch!