1 EC-FP7 no Project presentation November 2014 IIWH - Internationales Institut für Wald und Holz NRW e.V. Münster, Germany HCS – Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH Graz, Austria Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials in the Forest-based Sector of Eastern Europe (ENP)
2 Forest-based sector EU forest-based industries All value chains depending on forest million employees 600,000 enterprises 550 bn € turnover % of total manufacturing Ecosystem goods & services Bio-based products Bioenergy Furniture Packaging Publishing, printing Wood crafts Paper articles Construction Pulp, paper Panels Sawmilling Forestry
3 UNECE-FAO 2001 (EFSOS II) Why focus on the woodworking sector in ENP region? EaP region = emerging raw material supplier Growing EU demand: 853 million m 3 in 2030 ! Downsides of strategic market: illegal logging/trade, corruption, etc. SME consume huge amounts of raw material per employee, and in total Savings potential estimated > 20% ! Valorised by know-how transfer & innovation → ENP countries face unsustainable use of forest resources and wood raw material but show decisive opportunities to increase efficiency and technological upgrading!
4 Why focus on the woodworking sector in ENP region? Uzhgorod Forest cover losses in the Carpathians, Ukraine, (Global Forest Change map)
5 Why focus on the woodworking sector in ENP region? Forest clearcuts in the Carpathians, Ukraine Photos: FORZA NGO
6 Why focus on the woodworking sector in ENP region? Sawmill with outdated equipment in the Carpathians, Ukraine Photos: UNFU
7 Project Objectives Main goal → Improve resource efficiency and raw material consumption of forest and woodworking sector in ENP eastern countries by bridging the gaps between research and innovation among SMEs, science and authorities General Objectives (GOs) 1.Raise awareness on resource efficiency potentials of value chain forestry primary wood processing secondary wood manufacturing 2.Optimize raw wood conversion pathways in SMEs by introducing innovative technologies, processes and planning methods 3.Promote competitive innovation clusters through new business models, cleaner production and collaborative processes 4.Enhance international collaboration in knowledge value chains by joint action, knowledge transfer and outreach among R2I actors
8 Factsheet Framework FP7 project no , 1 st June 2014 – 31 st May 2015 (2 years) Total budget 1.3 million €, European Commission contribution 990,250 € Consortium 11 partners in total, 9 countries EU countries: Germany, Austria, Poland, Belgium ENP Eastern countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia 4 research institutions, 3 SMEs/clusters, 2 NGOs, 1 European RTD network Main purpose: Twinning of compatible R2I regions and actors Coordinator IIWH – International Institute of Forestry and Wood-based Industries NRW e. V. Prof. Dr. Andreas Schulte, University of Münster, Germany
9 Partners Consortium of 11 partners in 4 EU member states and 5 ENP countries IIWH – International Institute of Forestry and Wood-based Industries NRW, DE HCS – Wood Cluster Styria, Graz, AT ITD – Wood Technology Institute, Poznan, PL UNFU – National Forestry University of Ukraine, Lviv, UA FORZA – Agency for Sustainable Development of the Carpathian Region, UA WPFC – Wood Processing and Furniture Cluster, Lviv, UA AITT – Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer, Chisinau, MD RECC – The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucausus, GE/AR/AZ AUG – Agrarian University of Georgia, Tbilisi, GE IW – InnovaWood Secreteriat, Brussels, BE PROKO – Projektkompetenz mbH, Salzburg, AT
10 Regions
11 Main outcomes A. Outcomes for SMEs 1.Regional Baselines in Resources and Raw Material Use Global sectoral analysis of the forest-wood-chain 2.SME Reality Check and Benchmarking of Efficiency Performance Hands-on coaching to raise entrepreneurs´ awareness 3.Handbook ‘Resource Efficiency Management in Woodworking SMEs’ Technological guidance on adapted solutions in 5 national languages
12 Main outcomes B. Outcomes for Intermediaries 1.Train-the-Trainers’ Programme for Efficiency Managers Know-how capacity building in resource and energy efficiency assessment 2.Regional R2I Dialogues Moderated roundtables engaging stakeholders and policymakers 3.Wood Innovation Toolkit Supporting cluster management services for implementing raw material efficiency in SMEs
13 Main outcomes C. Increased International Cooperation 1.Cross-regional Twinning of Clusters New B2B and B2Science partnerships among organisations and intermediaries 2.R2I project clustering and outreach Joint activities with other initiatives, projects and associated partners 3.Regional R2I Strategies and Exploitation Plan Actions and new joint pilot projects for a resource efficient forest-based sector
14 Impacts RERAM raises awareness about the benefits of resource efficiency and demonstrates technical and organisational solutions for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). Companies benefit from instructive enterprise checks, trainings, hands-on coaching and path-breaking new pilot projects. Valorising synergies and clustering of stakeholders, on-going initiatives and R2I projects in the regions. Strengthening domestic growth potentials of woodworking SMEs with positive effects on sustainable growth, vital employment and climate change adaptation in the forest-based sector of the ENP region.
15 More info:
16 EC-FP7 no Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials in the Forest-based Sector of Eastern Europe (ENP) IIWH - Internationales Institut für Wald und Holz NRW e.V. ▪ HCS - Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH ▪ www. holzcluster-steiermark.at