Transition Resources for Youth TR4Y Improvement Planning and Implementation 1
Improvement Planning and Implementation 2 Step 3. Create and Implement Improvement Plans Review Priorities Set Goals Identify Activities and Responsibilities Set Timelines Locate Resources
3 The ‘GOAL’ is to complete a “Next Steps Plan” of action specifying the action steps and activities that you/your team will be working on during the coming months/ school year. Read through each requirement and enhanced practice. If completing the Rubric as a team, discuss each requirement and enhanced practice. Completing the Transition Rubrics
4 Transition Rubric Ratings At-A-Glance From this page, you can: See a one page summary of your ratings for all practices. See a summary all of your ratings for both the current rubric and past rubrics. You can print this page; it is also within the full report. Click here to view all ratings and priorities
6 Next Steps Planning Form – Cont’d This form will: Show individual and team comments Provide questions to prep for your improvement planning Auto-fill those areas selected for planning Next Steps Planning
7 Next Steps Planning – “Comments”
9 N/A Administration – building level and central administration Fall 2015 Time !!! Lack of funds Schedule conflicts Next Steps Planning Form – Cont’d
10 Review the resources, evidence based practices and lesson plans that correspond to those areas you want to work on. Link To related resources from the Rubrics. Search Search through the library of resources to find what you need to move beyond the basics and into enhanced practices. Sort and narrow resources by search criteria. Perform advanced searches by resource origin, transition requirements, keywords, and much more. Save Save your favorite resources to view, sort, delete, print and include in your Improvement Plan. Share your favorite resources Search for Additional Evidence-Based Practices
Continuous Improvement Planning 13 Step 4. Assess, Revise and Update Your Improvement Plan Assess Progress Review Goals Identify New Activities Set New Timelines Evaluate Planning Progress - Changes in Teaching Practice and Student Benefit
14 Predictor Rubric Ratings At-A-Glance Rating Summary/Predictor Selections From this page, you can: See all of your ratings for both the current rubric and past rubrics. You can print this page; it is also within the full report.
15 This tool lets you evaluate the Professional Development you are providing to schools, based on Thomas Guskey’s “Evaluating Professional Development” Evaluation of Professional Development Evaluation
16 Evaluation of Professional Development Level 1. Evaluation of the Activity Today: Participant Reactions Purpose: To gauge the participants' reactions to the professional development, e.g. were basic human needs met, was their time well- spent? Techniques: Usually a questionnaire This evaluation can be used on multiple levels: When the consultants provide PD to a district When the district provides PD within the district
17 Evaluation of Professional Development Level 2. Evaluation of the Activity Today: Participant Learning Purpose: Examine participants’ level of attained learning, e.g. measuring the knowledge, skills and attitudes or beliefs participants gain as a result of their professional development experience. Techniques: Test, simulation, personal reflection, full-scale demonstration.
18 Evaluation of Improvement Planning This Tool lets you evaluate progress at the end of the planning period. Level 3. Evaluation of the Activity/Actions Steps Planning: Organizational Support and Learning Purpose: Analyze organizational support for skills gained in staff development. Techniques: Minutes of district meetings, questionnaires, structured interviews or unobtrusive observations.
19 Evaluation of Improvement Planning Level 4. Evaluation of Outcomes: Participant Use of New Knowledge and Skills Purpose: Determine whether participants are incorporating what participants have learned, e.g. have there been changes to professional behavior or practices? Techniques: Questionnaires, structured interviews, oral or written personal reflections, examination of journals or portfolios, or direct observation
20 Evaluation of Improvement Planning Level 5. Evaluation of Outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes Purpose: Analyze the correlating student learning objectives, e.g. what is the impact on student learning; how do we know this? Techniques: Classroom grades, tests, direct observation, school indexes such as drop-out rates, school attendance, student discipline and behaviors
Next Steps 21 What happens next? What supports will you need back in your district? What parts of the website will you continue to use? Will you try to get others interested in using this site? Most applicable for: Colleagues Youth Parents/families Other agencies