Bringing It All Together
Need for MOH to take leadership – should be central coordinating team made up of government and partners Do a situation analysis Do strategy plan that fits into yearly plan of action that everyone participates in Make sure there is central development of content Make sure the policies are developed to strengthen this Centralize the document, distribute it, and get them to sign it Pre-service involvement as part of the trainers Adopt technologies relevant to the situations in each country based on the needs assessment Ensure adequate mentorship Perform evaluation of the training outcomes – post training outcomes Where can the pool of trainers come form? From government (national and sub) partners, and training institutions, and program officers Question 1: Time is always an issue. How can we make it possible for national governments, technical agencies, and technical partners to work together to plan for new and innovative methods rather than being reactionary?
Create a standing pool of trainers at national and subnational level that are sufficient in number to react to requests – from immunization, primary health, logistics, etc. Create a centralized institute that can create a continuous supply of master trainers and that has coordinated input form the various stakeholders Partner up SMEs with learning experts and IDs Find trainers based on their skills – coming from all of the sectors – using set criteria Making available updated modules that could be used for training Need to have pass/fail requirements Incentive training outcomes rather than the attendance of training Government needs to take the lead – does not mean they have to do it all though Commitment that government officials from each country here today stay in contact Question 2: How can we create great trainers that are ready to deliver great training across the system?