EARLY INVOLVEMENT IN VIETNAM SWBAT: Describe the ways the USA was already involved in Vietnam prior to war. Skim pages Ho Chi Minh (who?): -Who controlled Vietnam? -2 events that convinced Truman to intervene: -Containment (definition): -Domino theory (definition): -Guerrilla warfare (definition): -Dien Bien Phu (result of battle, what happened?): -Geneva Accords: -17 th parallel (what?): -Ngo Dinh Diem (who?): -Elections: SIN #53
Leader of communist group in Vietnam after WWII Lead movement for independence Vietnam was French colony- tried to reestablish control after WWII HO CHI MINH
1.Fall of China to communism 2.Outbreak of Korean war -Involved in Vietnam from late 1940’s- 1970s by giving financial support to French. 2 EVENTS THAT CONVINCED TRUMAN TO INTERVENE
USA policy to not let communism spread, resist, provide aid to countries in trouble (Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine) Reason for getting involved in Vietnam CONTAINMENT
If Vietnam falls to communism, other countries in the area will also fall-like dominos Cannot let first domino (Vietnam) turn communist DOMINO THEORY
Strategy used by Vietnamese militia Blend in with regular population, throw grenade/shoot and run away, never fight in open battles Very effective against French, frustrating GUERRILLA WARFARE
Vietnamese defeat French in open battle Causes French to make peace and withdraw USA takes their place for next years DIEN BIEN PHU 1953
French, Vietnamese, USA meeting to discuss future of Vietnam 17 th parallel- dividing line between communist (North) and democratic (south) Ngo Dinh Diem- southern leader supported by USA, not popular b/c restricts Buddhist rights Elections- canceled by Diem, afraid Minh will win GENEVA ACCORDS
SIN #53 cont- due Monday Notebook check Friday (#25-56) Current Event #3 - due Monday Cumulative Vocab Test Ch (Apr 25/26) GUIDED READING CH 17 SEC 1
vietnam why us got involved 0-6 min dien bien phu battle