WARM UP # 14 What is McCarthyism? What conceptions existed that allowed it to happen? Could it happen again in this day in age?
BACKGROUND HUAC – House Un-American Activities Committee Investigative committee in US House Created in 1938 Investigate disloyal Americans having communist ties
STATIONS There are five stations set up around the classroom, at each station you will: Work with your group to read through and analyze the documents Please spend the first five minutes doing this, do not write anything down at this point – just read and discuss You will then have five minutes to write down the key details and answering the two question columns on the right
ANALYSIS What evidence supports America being a truly dangerous place during the Cold War? What evidence supports America being a place of unfounded paranoia during the Cold War? Do you think a few instances of truly dangerous action are enough for the government to clamp down on individual’s personal freedoms? Why or why not?