ASK YOURSELF Have you ever been friends with someone that you didn’t fully trust? You always felt like you had to watch your back around them but you both would act friendly towards each other.
PEACE AND A NEW WAR No real peace but a period of political tensions, known as the Cold War, followed the total victory of the Allies in WWII. Cold War- an ideological conflict between the U.S. and Soviet Union dominated world affairs until the end of the 1980s Stalin feared the capitalist West U.S. and other Western leaders feared Communism
TEHRAN CONFERENCE The leaders of the Big Three(U.S., Britain, and Soviet Union) met at Tehran(Iran) in November 1943 to discuss the future course of the war Roosevelt agreed with Stalin that American-British forces should stage a frontal assault through France would be the best option. This would leave Eastern Europe to be liberated by the Soviet Union The armies would meet up in Germany creating a North/South line Basically shaping postwar Europe as the fighting went on
YALTA CONFERENCE The Big Three met again in Yalta on the Black Sea in Southern Russia in February Stalin wanted a buffer to protect Soviet Union from possible future Western aggressors, meaning he wanted pro-soviet governments along the Soviet Union’s borders Roosevelt agreed to Stalin’s price for two warm water ports and railroad rights in Manchuria
Once Germany surrendered, Germany would be divided into four zones that France, Britain, U.S. and Soviet Union would occupy and govern. Stalin agreed to free elections in Poland but would not honor this provision for the rest of Eastern Europe. The issue of free elections in Eastern Europe caused a serious split between the U.S. and the Soviets.
POTSDAM CONFERENCE The Big Three met again for a postwar conference in Potsdam. Harry Truman now represents the U.S. after the death of Roosevelt. Truman demanded free elections in Eastern Europe “A freely elected government in any of these East European countries would be anti-Soviet, and that we cannot allow.” Free elections would threaten Stalin’s goal of controlling Eastern Europe. Allies agreed to war criminal trials. Nazi leaders were tried and condemned at the Nuremberg trials. Trials would also be held in Japan and Italy
NEW STRUGGLE Winston Churchill declared that “an Iron Curtain” had descended across the continent. Dividing Europe into two hostile camps. Stalin declared Churchill’s speech as a “call to war with the Soviet Union”.
TRUMAN DOCTRINE Civil war going on in Greece, Britain has to pull out as help because of own economic problems Truman Doctrine says U.S. would give $400 million in aid for Greece and Turkey. Also that the U.S. would provide such aid to other countries threatened by communist expansion. Truman said “It must be the policy of the U.S. to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”
MARSHALL PLAN The European Recovery Program came in June Named after General George C. Marshall who created the plan. Marshall plan provided 13 billion dollars to rebuild war-torn Europe. To help prevent the spread of communism. Communism was successful in countries with economic problems. Marshall plan did not exclude the Soviet Union or its satellite states, they refused to participate Soviets saw the Marshall plan as an attempt to buy the support of countries
Soviet Union came up with own economic cooperation for Eastern European states but failed because the Soviet Union was unable to provide much financial aid. Containment- U.S. policy to keep communism within its existing boundaries and prevent further Soviet aggressive moves.
Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan Cold War