Restricted "Its in the bag" EAASP Conference, Bruges, Belgium 20 th April 2016 Richard Ainsworth-Smith SO15 Cargo Unit - Counter Terrorism Command Metropolitan Police, London
Restricted Current conflicts 2016 Militants from 86 countries have entered Syria and Iraq. Demographic breakdown (approximate): Tunisia 3000 Saudi Arabia 2500 Russia 2400 Jordan 2000 Germany 760 France 700 (up to) 1800 UK 700 (up to) 1500) Belgium 440 Sweden 300 Austria 300 Netherlands 250 Spain 100 Italy 80 Europol 'overseas trained' Jihadists in Europe CIA Statistics December 2015
Restricted Al Shabaab UK residents who have fought with Al Shabaab in Somalia and Kenya number approximately 200. The number of UK 'residents' who are currently assessed to be overseas in Somalia for illicit purposes number between It is suspected up to 1500 Europeans have attended overseas training with Al Shabaab. Various open source reporting sources
Restricted Cash and Travel Documents
Restricted Typical Clothing – ISIL/Daesh
Restricted Clothing and Satellite Phones
Restricted Examples of Night Vision and Body Armour
Restricted Heathrow August CFL
Restricted February Spain
Restricted GoPro Action Cameras
Restricted Camping gear/GPS/Medications
Restricted Examples of Solar Chargers
Restricted Female travellers – Jewellery & Make Up
Restricted Examples of High Calorific Food
Restricted Cooking Items
Restricted Proliferation Items of Interest
Restricted Counter Proliferation Items
Restricted Examples of Khat
Restricted Items of potential interest (historic) RS Components/Maplin Electronics
Restricted Communications – October 2014 "I am travelling back to Heathrow on weds T5 with mum…." "Ok, U will b stopped. Keep a clean phone, yr mum will be made to wait outside office. U will be fine, its easy…keep a clean laptop too. Delete any messages, this app is in touch.." "Ok thanks, I will be in touch when I arrive home…brothers send regards…"
Restricted Distraction Methods
Restricted Case Study – Recent find Heathrow
Restricted A shirt….?
Restricted Its still a shirt!?!
Restricted A packet of razor blades
Restricted A Micro SD Card!??!
Restricted Case Study - Another recent find
Restricted Stitching opened – poor bear!
Restricted Bad bear!
Restricted Other examples of recent finds
Restricted More recent finds
Restricted One to watch out for….
Restricted The end If you are in doubt, please don’t let it travel! Any questions?