Ch. 13 – The Shoulder and Upper Arm Review of Special Tests
Apley’s Scratch Test
Drop Arm Test Implications Inability to lower arm in controlled manner is indicative of lesions to the rotator cuff, especially the supraspinatus
Apprehension test Implications Anterior capsule, inferior GH L., or glenoid labrum compromised, allowing humeral head to dislocate or subluxate anteriorly on glenoid fossa
Gerber Lift-off Test Implications Tears or weakness of subscapularis muscle
GH Glide Tests
Implications – laxity of the static stabilizers of the GH joint Anterior – coracohumeral L., superior and middle GH L., anterior jt capsule, labral tear Posterior – posterior jt capsule, labral tear Inferior-anterior – inferior jt capsule, superior GH L., coracohumeral L.
AC Traction Test Implications Sprain of AC or costoclavicular ligaments
AC Compression Test Implications Damage to AC L., and possibly coracoclavicular L.
Relocation Test
Posterior Apprehension Test Implications Laxity in the posterior GH capsule, torn posterior labrum
Test for Posterior Instability in the Plane of the Scapula Implications Laxity in posterior GH capsule, coracohumeral L.
Sulcus Sign Implications Humeral head slides inferiorly on glenoid fossa, indicating laxity in superior GH ligament
Neer Impingement Test Implications – Impingement of rotator cuff and/or long head of biceps tendon between greater tuberosity and inferior side of acromion process and AC joint
Hawkins Impingement Test Implications – Impingement of rotator cuff and/or long head of biceps tendon between greater tuberosity and inferior side of acromion process
Empty Can Test Implications – the supraspinatus tendon is being impinged between humeral head and coracoacromial arch or is inflamed or contains a lesion
Yergason’s Test Implications – snapping or popping = tear or laxity of transverse humeral L.; pain only = bicipital tendinitis
Speed’s Test Implications Inflammation of long head of biceps tendon in groove; possible tear of transverse L. with concurrent instability of tendon in groove
O’Brien Test Implications – SLAP lesion
Adson’s Test Implications Subclavian artery is being occluded between anterior and middle scalene muscles and pec minor
Allen Test Implications Pec minor is compressing neurovascular bundle