Traditional Universities and the E-Learning Needs of Practitioners Making it happen in Practice
IHCS, Bournemouth - a Traditional University? n 30 Practice Development Units n 2 Academic Centres in Practice n 70% Health Care Faculty are Lecturer Practitioners n Established collaborative working with Local providers n Understanding of the Local Care Economy
Work-based Learning Infra- structure n Flexibly plan/deliver education based on local needs n Able to bring together multiple- stakeholders - organisations, staff, managers, suppliers etc.
Work-based Learning Infra- structure n Accreditation of practice development of individuals/teams/institutions n Facilitated reflective learning built into team working e.g pathway design n Evaluation research feeds into ongoing service and curriculum development
Physical Presence The eHealth Laboratory n Collaborative working with IT providers n ‘Hands-on’ experience to enable patient/professional involvement and feedback n Customisation of software for local teams/needs