IT information Students’ user administration and user IDs LUC services, IT services
Background: A Lapland UAS student accepts a study place 1.The student information is entered in the Winha educational administration system at Lapland UAS Student Services. The student receives an individual identifier or student number (role number), such as The student information is automatically transferred from Winha via the user administration system (IDM) to the AD as batch processing once a day. The student is automatically generated an AD user account with the user ID of A + the student number, such as A a single-use individual password => electronic identity. Microsoft Office 365 account includes + other Web apps Home directory on the UAS file server AD = Active Directory (centralised directory service of the Windows network)
AD account and user ID The AD account’s user ID is used to log into the following systems: UAS computers, LUC domain (classrooms, laboratories, libraries...) + other Office 365 services WinhaWille student record and term enrolment Moodle learning environment SoleOPS curricula Google Aps For Education (GAFE) Lapland UAS e-materials TimeEdit timetables Eduroam network …… The iLinc learning environment has separate user ID administration. The system is maintained by eLearning Services.
EDUROAM network Wireless network (WLAN/WiFi), SSID: EDUROAM EDUROAM IDs are in format EDUROAM enables roaming in organisations that have joined the EDUROAM community. See (downloading automatic settings to a workstation). NOTE! Some anti-virus software applications mistake the installation package for a virus or malware.
User ID activation 1.At the start of studies, students are given an AD account user ID + a single-use password. 2.To activate the ID, the password must be changed in one of the following ways: Logging into the network on a UAS computer to the LUC domain; the system asks the student to change the password (in a classroom, laboratory, library, etc.) Using online banking credentials or the Mobile Certificate at (also for resetting a forgotten password) Using the WEB portal You cannot log into any other systems before changing the password. 3.Read the data security instructions and terms of use:
Password procedure The user ID and password are personal! The systems asks the student to change the password on the first login on a UAS computer to the LUC domain, and every 6 months after that. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long. - The system remembers your three previous passwords. - Do not use Scandinavian letters (åäö).
Logging out Remember to always log out of the session before leaving a UAS computer. Start menu or Ctrl + Alt + Del Log off
Mailing lists Student mailing lists are established automatically based on Winha’s arrival and administrative groups. Mailing list format: Lapland UAS students “group” A student can be added to the mailing list of a “strange” arrival group in the system but cannot be removed from the list for his/her arrival group.
A student transfers from the Open UAS to become a degree student 1.The student is entered in Winha as a new student. The student receives a new individual identifier or student number (role number), such as The student is automatically generated a new AD account, with the user ID of A + the student number, such as A , + a single-use individual password => new electronic identity a new inbox for Office 365 (new address) a new home directory on the UAS file server. 3.The previous AD account closes immediately at the end of the Open UAS studies, preventing the use of the old ID to access the following systems: , WinhaWille, Moodle, TimeEdit, systems using Haka identification.
A Lapland UAS student ends his/her studies After the end of studies, user ID and access to information systems are valid for 14 days. After graduation After withdrawal After role change (changing field of study) (the access rights of Open UAS students end immediately at the end of their study entitlement) Access rights to the MS Office products installed on the student’s own computer end one month after the end of their study entitlement. After that, you can purchase continued right to use the software.
Use of the student’s own computer Students can use their own computer in the UAS wireless network (WLAN/WiFi). Note! DO NOT connect your own computer to the UAS wired network. How to start using the EDUROAM network 1.Connect the computer to the GUEST network –ID: vierailija –Password: langaton234 or connect the computer to a network elsewhere (e.g. home network or mobile connection device). 2.Download Eduroam settings at: 3.If you have not changed your single-use password Go to Change your single-use password. 4.Install the Eduroam package and provide an ID when requested, using the format and your recently changed password The computer will then automatically connect to the EDUROAM network in its coverage area (you may need to enter the ID again).
Services and applications available for the student’s own computer Web applications through the EDUROAM network Students can download the MS Office application package for use during studies free of charge: –the currently offered version is 2016 (or 2013) –the applications can be installed on max. 5 computers –you can freely choose the language version from the list provided –you can install several language versions on the same computer under one user right. Some professional applications are also available for student use. –Subject teachers can provide information about the availability of applications.
Students’ IT helper Rovaniemi – Tornio (Kemi-Tornio) – Guidance –Using WLAN (Eduroam) –Downloading O365 and Office applications –…–… The IT services of Lapland UAS do not provide support for student’s own computers (small-scale advice may be provided if necessary).
More information LUC IT and Lapland UAS instructions and information Lapland UAS instructions and information ( eLearning Services