, Brussels, Belgium The TAIEX Instrument Milena Gvozden MEWE/AWEX RP BELGE Institution Building Unit Technical Assistance Information Exchange (TAIEX)
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Summary Slide on TAIEX 1. What is TAIEX? 2. Belgium as expertise provider for TAIEX assistance Benefits of collaborating with TAIEX Logistical arrangements for experts The Expert Database (Ed.)
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument – short-term technical assistance Mission statement: provide institution building support in all areas of the EU legislation with the view to support the alignment, application, and enforcement of the beneficiary countries Demand driven approach To complement existing short and long-term EU assistance programmes What is TAIEX?
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Mandate of the TAIEX Instrument TAIEX available in all phases of the accession process: Phase I: Harmonisation and transposition of national law in accordance to EU legislation Phase II: Implementation of EU directives and regulations. Phase III (post-accession date): Ensuring that the EU legislation is being correctly enforced at the central, regional and local level
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Main forms of assistance Seminars/Workshops Expert Missions Study Visits Training to enhance administrative capacity On-going monitoring (Peer reviews)
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Beneficiary “Clients” Beneficiary “Clients” Central Administrations Parliament Judiciary/Law Enforcement Regional/Local Authorities Private Sector Associations Social Partners
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Beneficiary countries 10 Member States joined EU in 2004 Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia 2 new Member States Romania, Bulgaria Candidate countries Turkey, Croatia & the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Western Balkans Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) Turkish Cypriot community European Neighbourhood Policy Extension of TAIEX since June 2006 to ENP countries
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) TAIEX subjects - Sectors Agriculture and food safety Internal market Justice & Home Affairs Infrastructures (environment, transport, etc.) - Horizontal Regional Training Programme
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Evaluation of TAIEX events by Participants
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) TAIEX activity overview Events Participants Speakers
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) TAIEX activity overview
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007)
Straight forward application system
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Belgium as expertise provider for TAIEX assistance Belgian officials: potential experts for 10 MS which joined the EU in MS which joined the EU in 2004 New Member States (Romania & Bulgaria) New Member States (Romania & Bulgaria) Candidate Countries Candidate Countries Western Balkans Western Balkans ENP ENP
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Experts per Member State used in 2006
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Benefits of collaborating with TAIEX 1. Share best practice in the field of the acquis 2. Reinforced Belgian cooperation with new Member States, Candidate countries, Western Balkans & ENP countries 3. Interesting professional and personal experience 4. Short term assignments
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Logistical arrangements for experts Flight and hotel booked & paid by TAIEX Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) covering all expenses (hotel, restaurant, transportation) Fixed Additional Allowance (FAA) of 250 Euros/ per working day and travelling day within working hours Insurance, passport, Visa (if requested), etc. must be applied for by the Expert
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) The Expert Database (Ed.) Online data base of EU Experts Who can register ? Public officials of the 25 Member StatesPublic officials of the 25 Member States Validation of registration requests by the Institution Building unit Access is restricted to the Institution Building unit Web site: Help desk:
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) Registered experts per Member State (%)
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) How to register in Ed? Online voluntary registration Choose your category Expert : proven expertise of the acquis. Data Input Contact details (mandatory) Contact details (mandatory) Institution (mandatory) Institution (mandatory) Expertise: Expertise: Select the sub-Chapters of the Directory of Community legislation for which you hold an expertise (mandatory)Select the sub-Chapters of the Directory of Community legislation for which you hold an expertise (mandatory) EU legislation box: indicate the most important legislation in your fieldEU legislation box: indicate the most important legislation in your field Comment box: additional information on your work experienceComment box: additional information on your work experience
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007)
Conclusion TAIEX = short-term & bottom-up approach
EC - DG Enlargement - Institution Building Unit (04/06/2007) European Commission DG Enlargement Institution Building Unit Rue de la Loi 170 B1049 – Brussels Telephone: switchboard (+32-2) secretariat 02/ , Fax: 02/