Attacking Administrative Burdens by using XBRL for all Government Regulatory Reporting Harm Jan van Burg, Ministry of Finance
The Dutch Taxonomy Project ›Reduction of administrative burdens of companies ›Taxonomy for Dutch financial reporting ‒Annual accounts ‒Taxes ‒Financial statistics ›Interdepartmental project ‒Ministry of Justice ‒Ministry of Finance
Architecture Dutch Tree Domain specific Form sets Per subject / target group IFRS Sets Taxes Statistics … IFRS Waiver taxonomy GEN-Base Generic Elements Netherlands DataTypes Elements annual account Relations Report Sets DataTypes (RJ) Relations
Chain of financial reporting ›Operate from the business perspective ›Goal is better services by: ‒reduction of costs ‒less annoyance ›Cooperation and synergy of chain members ›Transparency and assurance ›Use of open standards
The reporting domains
Business perspective ›One-off gathering and more than once use for reporting purposes ‒in time and ‒for regulators ›More effective validations within the taxonomy ›The taxonomy can be easily expanded with a corporate taxonomy (GL)
Supervision ›More effective validations ‒controls at the boundaries - less garbage in ‒ feed forward process reporting cycles ›More accurate analyze and detection capabilities ›A shift form an operational to a material audit / supervision approach
Analyze and detection ›Increase of accuracy ‒Transparent data model ‒More data elements and more advanced context information ›Reporting domains can be reconciled ›Outcome analyze and detection more suitable for supervision purposes
Operational Material supervision ›Decrease of costs and time for collecting and checking data ›A focus on unwanted exceptions ›Reallocate supervision
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