A way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically reflected in a person's behavior
Choose THIS AttitudeNOT This Attitude 1.Confidence / Can Do 2.Optimistic 3.Interested / Enthusiastic 4.Cheerful 5.Humble 6.Sincerity 7.Open Minded 8.Serving Others 9.Grateful 10. Seek to learn / coachable 1.Can’t Do 2.Pessimistic 3.Indifferent 4.Miserable 5.Superior 6.Insincere / False 7.Closed Minded 8.Selfish 9.Entitled 10. Know it all / uncoachable
Towards: The Network Marketing Profession Believing YOU CAN succeed.
Helping People NOT Using People
Make A Difference for Others
Do not compromise RIGHTEOUSNESS
Teamwork and Respect Upline Downline Crossline Sideline One Dream – One Vision – One Team – One Mission
Adjusting versus Reacting
Always Stay Positive, even in the midst of adversity
Keep learning and re-evaluating your business.
Lead people, not manage people
Peace & Love, not War & Troublemaking Be Part of the Solution, Not the Problem
Identify your Core Upline or Mentor with the right attitude to guide you!
“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Thomas Jefferson 3 rd President of the United States of America Author of the Declaration of American Independence
“It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come. Dalai Lama XIV Buddhist Leader
Attitude of Gratitude!