BELLWORK 1.What is The Directory? 2.Who is Napoleon Bonaparte? 3.Why do you think Napoleon is considered one of the greatest military/political leaders of all time? 4.List 5 things that Napoleon changed in France. 5.THINKER: Describe your interpretation of the following quote by Napoleon: – “Great ambition is the passion of a great character. He who is endowed with it, may perform either very great actions, or very bad ones; all depends upon the principles which direct him.”
THERE IS NO BELLWORK TODAY!!! Gather all bellwork from the past two weeks. You should have two stamps from last week and three from this week! (Total of 5) Staple and put your name on it! Be ready to talk about Napoleon’s changes in France!
Education "My motto has always been: A career open to all talents, without distinctions of birth.... Be successful!" - Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon changed the education system in France. He believed in a system of merit. For a merit-based system to be effective, France would need widespread education.
He set up four different kinds of schools: 1.Primary schools 2.Secondary schools 3.Lycées (post-secondary schools that taught languages, science, modern literature and other subjects.) 4.Technical schools Schools emphasized obedience and military values. Under Napoleon, secondary schools focused on math and science more than they had before.
Napoleon made France into an Empire. In 1804, he created a code of civil law, known as the Napoleonic Code or The Code Napoleon. -civil law: the system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs.
Individual Rights and Freedoms The Code Napoleon unified France under one system of laws. Marriage became a civil act, instead of a religious act. All men were equal under the law. Men were free to choose their own profession. Religious freedom was established.
Restrictions Under the Napoleon’s Rule Freedom of speech was severely restricted. Napoleon wanted to control the press. By 1811, there were only 4 newspapers left in Paris. All of them were run by the state. Napoleon had a secret police force. Starting in 1810, they could arrest and imprison people without trial.
The Catholic Church In 1801, Napoleon signed an agreement with the Pope, known as the Concordant of The Concordant allowed Catholics to worship freely in France. All religions were permitted. Churches opened again and religious conflicts ended.
The Concordant of 1801
French Society Napoleon wanted all major social groups in France to benefit from his rule. For peasants, he ended feudalism and banned the Catholic Church from requiring them to pay tithes. For the nobles, he offered the same stability that a king would provide. He also created special titles for some people, but gave them no special privileges. To reward talented, hard-working people, he created the Legion of Honour in 1802.
Buildings and Roads Napoleon ordered the building of new canals, roads, and bridges. His government spent large amounts of money to improve the image of Paris. Old buildings were repaired and new buildings were put up. Memorials to the Revolution and Napoleon were created, such as the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Napoleon commissioned it to celebrate his victories in wars all over Europe.