1 SQL SERVER 2005 Express CE-105 SPRING 2007 Engr. Faisal ur Rehman
2 Definition It is a database platform used to create Database for.Net languages. It is based on Microsoft SQL Server It is a database platform used to create Database for.Net languages. It is based on Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
3 Database A file structured for the repository of data. Organized for easy retrieval, sorting, grouping, relating to other data, etc. Excel is also a flat database but lakes relations SQL is RDMS (Relational Database Management System) A file structured for the repository of data. Organized for easy retrieval, sorting, grouping, relating to other data, etc. Excel is also a flat database but lakes relations SQL is RDMS (Relational Database Management System)
4 RDMS Data is organized into tables that can be related together, thus reducing redundancy and increasing the integrity of data.
5 Normalization The process of determining what information belongs in which table to minimize redundancy and increase integrity.
6 Data Integrity Keeping a data Valid or Correct
7 Key and Identity Column Primary Key: A field or combination of fields that makes a given row unique in the database. A way of differentiating each row in a table when all other field might be duplicated in other rows in the same table. Key relates two tables to each other. Foreign keys relate one or more rows in one table to a record in another table that shares the same value in its primary key. Foreign key constraints enforce “Referential Integrity” Identity Column is an attribute that will automatically increment a field of data in each successive row added to the database. Typically used on primary key field to make them unique. Primary Key: A field or combination of fields that makes a given row unique in the database. A way of differentiating each row in a table when all other field might be duplicated in other rows in the same table. Key relates two tables to each other. Foreign keys relate one or more rows in one table to a record in another table that shares the same value in its primary key. Foreign key constraints enforce “Referential Integrity” Identity Column is an attribute that will automatically increment a field of data in each successive row added to the database. Typically used on primary key field to make them unique.
8 Relations One - One One - Many Many - Many One - One One - Many Many - Many
9 Databinding Interface Control retrieves and display data from a data source without programmatic details of the process ADO.NET creates a connection to a data source Interface Control retrieves and display data from a data source without programmatic details of the process ADO.NET creates a connection to a data source
10 ADO.NET Manages the request and response between your application and the database Manages the data that is retrieved from the response to the database querry BindingSource manages the connection between the user interface controls and the underlying data set retrieved from the database. Manages the request and response between your application and the database Manages the data that is retrieved from the response to the database querry BindingSource manages the connection between the user interface controls and the underlying data set retrieved from the database.
11 Components of Database Tables Stored Procedures Queries Views Reports Diagrams Tables Stored Procedures Queries Views Reports Diagrams
12 Components of a Table A table is composed of Row and Column Row is also termed as record Column is also called field Dataset is a set of tables A table is composed of Row and Column Row is also termed as record Column is also called field Dataset is a set of tables
13 Q & A Define SQL Server Express Define RDMS What is ADO.NET Define Key Define SQL Server Express Define RDMS What is ADO.NET Define Key
14 T H S A N K T H S A N K