Child Safety Framework Central to Our Core Mission
Child Safety FrameworkChild Safety Framework Informs and guides child safety decisions throughout the life of a case. Provides precise language and clear definitions. Strengthens child safety assessments and planning. Guides appropriate placement decisions.
Gathering Information Gathering Information to determine if Danger Exists 1.What is the nature and extent of maltreatment? 2.What surrounding circumstances accompany the maltreatment? 3.How does the child/children function on a daily basis? 4.How does the parent/caregiver discipline the child? 5.What are the overall parenting and child care practices? 6.How does the parent/caregiver manage his/her own life on a daily basis?
Safe Child Children are considered safe when there are no present danger or impending danger threats or the caregiver’s protective capacities control all known safety threats. Definition:
CapacitiesProtective Capacities Behavioral, cognitive and emotional characteristics that can specifically and directly be associated with a person’s ability and willingness to care and keep a child safe. Definition:
Unsafe Child Children are considered unsafe when they are vulnerable to present or impending danger and caregivers are unable or unwilling to provide protection. Definition:
Immediate and significant Clearly observable Occurring in the present Child MUST be protected from the present danger Child may or may not need ongoing protection – Assess for Impending Danger Present Danger
Impending Impending Danger Parenting behavior that is harmful and destructive to a child’s cognitive, social, emotional or physical development that is likely to occur in the immediate or near future that could result in one or more of the following outcomes: Serious or severe harm Injury requiring medical attention Life endangering illness Death Definition:
Threats to a child’s safety are not immediate, and may not be obvious or occurring at onset of CPS intervention Threats are identified and understood through individual and family relationships and functioning Without safety intervention one could reasonably judge potential for severe harm Impending Impending Danger
Safety Threshold In order to determine if a safety threat exists ALL of the 5 criteria must be met: 1.Severe consequences to a child 2.Immediate or will occur in the near future 3.Vulnerable child in relation to the safety threat 4.Out of control 5.Behaviors, conditions, etc., are specific, observable and clearly understood
1.The family/facility situation results in no adults in the home/facility performing parenting duties and responsibilities that assure child’s safety. 2.The family/facility situation is that the living/child care arrangement(s) seriously endanger the child’s physical health. 3.Caregiver(s) are acting (behaving) violently or dangerously and the behaviors affect child safety. Washington Safety ThreatsWashington Safety Threats
4.There has been an incident of domestic violence that affects child safety. If “Yes”, complete the questions below: The domestic violence perpetrator has caused serious harm or threats of harm against the adult victim/caregiver of the child. The domestic violence perpetrator has seriously harmed or threatened serious harm to the child. The level of violence and/or threats towards either the adult victim or child is increasing so that serious harm is likely to occur. There are other indications of increased dangers from the domestic violence perpetrator such as suicide threats or attempts, substance abuse or threats with weapons. Washington Safety ThreatsWashington Safety Threats
5.Caregiver(s) will not or cannot control their behavior and their behavior affects child safety. 6.Caregiver(s) perceives child in extremely negative terms 7.Caregiver(s) do not have or do not use resources necessary to meet the child’s immediate basic needs which present an immediate threat of serious harm to a child. 8.Caregivers’ attitudes, emotions and behavior are such that they are threatening to severely harm a child or are fearful they will maltreat the child or request placement. Washington Safety ThreatsWashington Safety Threats
9.Caregiver(s) intend(ed) to seriously hurt the child. 10.Caregiver(s) lack the parenting knowledge, skills, or motivation necessary to assure a child’s safety. 11.Caregiver(s) overtly rejects CA intervention, refuses access to a child, or there is some indication that the caregiver(s) will flee. 12.Caregiver(s) are not meeting, cannot meet or will not meet the child’s exceptional physical, emotional, medical, or behavioral needs. Washington Safety ThreatsWashington Safety Threats
13.Caregiver(s) cannot or will not explain child’s injuries or maltreating condition(s) or explanation is not consistent with the facts. 14.A child has serious physical injuries or serious physical conditions resulting from maltreatment. Washington Safety ThreatsWashington Safety Threats
15.A child demonstrates serious emotional symptoms, self- destructive behavior and/or lack of behavioral control that results in provoking dangerous reactions in caregivers. 16. A child is extremely fearful of the home/facility situation or people within the home/facility. 17.Child sexual abuse is suspected, has occurred, or circumstances suggest sexual abuse is likely to occur. Washington Safety ThreatsWashington Safety Threats
Risk is concerned with…Safety is concerned with… Whether a family is more or less likely to have another incident of abuse or neglect without agency intervention Current or impending dangerous family conditions and behaviors The probability of future maltreatment on a continuum from low to high Assessment that the child could suffer severe effects from the conditions in the family Characteristics of family functioningFamily conditions that meet the safety threshold Current and historical information, patterns, and behaviors Specific behavior of the parents to a child’s safety now or in the near-future Family conditions and behaviors are associated with future maltreatment Family conditions and behaviors that are currently out-of-control Evaluation of conditions and behaviors that may need services and treatment Conditions and behaviors that require control and management A limited number of validated characteristics that are related to the likelihood of future abuse or neglect A limited number of specific factors threatening child safety
Dad is depressed. He is reluctant about taking his medication because it makes him feel “out of it.” He can’t stand his job; doesn’t see how things will be different; has little energy to spend time with the children. Dad is inconsistent in providing some meals but the children are generally fed. Children go to school dirty and tired because the Dad is inconsistent about cleaning their clothes and getting them to bed. Safety Threat Risk or Safety Threat?
A three-year-old child in relative care is found wandering on a busy street and the relative’s whereabouts are unknown. Safety Threat Risk or Safety Threat?
Mother has two children, ages 2 and 6. The children were placed last year when the older child had bruises around his face, up and down his back, and required surgery to remove his spleen caused by a blow to his abdomen. Children were returned after the mother stopped drinking and was able to show utilization of skills learned in parenting instruction. She stopped using corporal punishment. Mother has relapsed and the older child reports that she yells a lot at both the children and spanks them hard. Safety Threat Risk or Safety Threat?
A dependent six-year-old is last seen by a teacher four days ago. At the last parent-teacher conference, the foster mother appeared to be intoxicated (slurred speech and smell of alcohol), but was not driving the child. The foster mother also had bruises on both arms in the shape of hand prints. There have been four prior screened in intakes for neglect on this family. Safety Threat Risk or Safety Threat?
A 14-year-old boy in special education classes comes to school with redness and bruising on his jaw and cheek. He tells the teacher that his father hit him last night. He says that his father hits him a lot and has been telling the boy that he likes to fight him. The boy says that usually he doesn’t mind but this time his dad hit him all over his head “really hard” and that he doesn’t want to go home. Safety Threat Risk or Safety Threat?
Children in Licensed and Unlicensed Care When children are determined to be unsafe in licensed or unlicensed care, children are removed.
CA is responsible for the safety of children and this responsibility cannot be delegated to others. Protective actions, safety planning and continuous safety management are the strategies used by CA to keep children safe. Responsibility for SafetyResponsibility for Safety
Impending Danger Present Danger Gather 6 Gathering Questions Assess 17 Safety Threats 5 Safety Threshold Criteria Analyze 4 Safety Plan Questions Plan Safety Plan
Safety Plan Analysis 1.There is a parent/caregiver or adult in the home. 2.The home is calm enough to allow safety providers to function in the home. 3.The adults in the home agree to cooperate with and allow an in-home plan. 4.Sufficient, appropriate, reliable resources are available and willing to provide safety activities and tasks.
Operation of Safety Threats Understanding how safety threats operate in an individual family requires consideration of: The degree of protection necessary to keep the child safe. The resources available and accessible to the family. How much effort is necessary to develop and implement a sufficient plan immediately.
Degree of Protection: How much protection is needed for each child? What is the parent’s awareness and acknowledgement of threats? What do they think their child needs in order to be safe? Operation of Safety Threats
Resources available/accessible to family: Who can help? Relatives, kin, friends, fictive kin Educators, medical providers Service providers What are they willing to do? What is their relationship to the family? What resources are easily available and accessible? Operation of Safety Threats
Effort needed to develop immediate and sufficient plan: Plans should only control and manage identified threats Plans do not attempt to evaluate or treat parents Plans should match the duration, frequency, and severity of identified threats Operation of Safety Threats
Determining Suitability/ Reliability of Safety Plan Participants Participants in the plan must be able to provide a greater level of protection for the children than the parent. Participants in plans are allied with the child and will take action to protect the child and notify the department if threats are present. Social workers will: Interview all potential safety plan participants Conduct background checks (FamLink and criminal history) on all potential safety plan participants
What is a Safety Plan? A Safety Plan is: A written agreement establishing how safety threats will be immediately managed and controlled. Implemented and active as long as threats to child safety exist and parental protective capacities are insufficient to protect and keep a child safe.
A Safety Plan contains: Detailed safety activities and tasks provided by suitable and reliable participants, including the social worker. Resources immediately accessible and available. Does not include parental promises. What is a Safety Plan?
Used for children in-home or out-of-home References all children in a family Clarifies role of parents Clarifies protective role of others Addresses all threats identified in the safety assessment What is a Safety Plan?
Manage and Control Developing a Safety Plan Sufficient to Manage and Control Threats A safety plan is sufficient to control threats or substitute for diminished protective capacities when it: Is a well thought-out approach Contains the most suitable people Takes the necessary actions, frequently enough
Establishing Conditions Establishing Conditions for Return Home Use the Safety Plan Analysis to discuss with parents why the out-of-home plan was developed. Any of the four questions that were answered “no” determined the out-of-home plan. All four questions must be answered “yes” in order for an in-home plan to be developed. Parents should understand: The specific reasons why their children were removed. How the out-of-home safety plan will keep their children safe.
Conditions for Return HomeConditions for Return Home 1.Threats no longer exist and child is safe or existing threats can be controlled and managed with an in-home safety plan. What must occur for the control and management of the threats? All answers on the Safety Plan Analysis must be “yes.”
2.Parents recognize, acknowledge, and understand the threats: Acknowledgment that safety threats existed and that children were unsafe in the home. Progress has been made on understanding the identified safety threats and toward strengthening protective capacities. Parents may be able to articulate how the threats endangered their children. Conditions for Return HomeConditions for Return Home
3.An in-home safety plan can be sustained: Components and detail of an in-home plan are reliable. Family home has gained stability and predictability. Natural and other supports are accepted by parents and the resources available are also acceptable. Safety and protection of children will not be disrupted as children transition from an out-of-home to an in-home plan. Conditions for Return HomeConditions for Return Home
Reunification Children are reunified when an in-home safety plan can keep the child safe. Safety planning at reunification must include consideration of the impact of transition on safety, stability, and sustainability.
DifferencesSafety Plans and Differences in Safety Plans and Case Plans SAFETY PLANSCASE PLANS Focus on threats that are identified in the safety assessment Focus on behavioral changes to reduce safety threats and increase protective capacities Remain in place until threats are no longer present Provide the individual and family objectives that address the safety threats and are the basis for ongoing CA involvement
Managing and Monitoring Child Safety the Managing and Monitoring Child Safety throughout the Life of a Case CA staff in every program - CPS, FVS, CFWS, FRS - actively manage and monitor safety plans. “Actively” means that the social worker is diligent, seeks information, responds promptly to concerns, and follows up on activities and tasks in a timely manner.