Objectives Understanding Fractions Concepts of Half & Quarter Writing Fractions Fun With Fractions
FRACTIONS 1.When a whole object or a group is divided into equal Parts, then each part is called a Fraction We Divide the whole into 2 equal parts. Each part is called one – half. It is written as 1/2 This is a Whole. It is written as 1 If we divide the whole into 4 equal parts, each part is called one – fourth or a quarter. It is written as 1/4
“Half” A Few illustrations of Concepts of “HALF”
“Quarter” A Few illustrations of Concepts of “Quarter”
2.Each Fraction is written in Numerator/ Denominator form E.g. : 3/8, 4/7 TT he upper part of the fraction is called the Numerator. II t tells us about the Number of Parts we are talking about. TT he lower part of the fraction is called the Denominator. II t tells us into how many parts the whole is divided into 3/8 or 4/7