Fraction Quantity Relative to Whole Task Cards with Self Checking QR Codes Adapted from Common Core /Fraction%20of%20Whole%20Visual/English/1.pdf 3 rd Grade Created By: Amy Ard
Common Core Standards 3.NF.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
Teacher Directions Students will use these task cards to answer each question using pencil and paper. Slide 7 has a worksheet students can use to complete this activity. After completing all task cards, students will use an iPod Touch or iPad with a QR reader app to check their answers. The QR code will display the correct answer. These fractions are not simplified as that skill has not yet been covered for this activity.
Express the triangles as a fraction of the entire set. Express the stars as a fraction of the entire set. Express the circles as a fraction of the entire set. Express the squares as a fraction of the entire set.
Express the stars as a fraction of the entire set. Express the hearts as a fraction of the entire set. Express the pentagons as a fraction of the entire set.
Express the squares as a fraction of the entire set.