Informaction how does the environment affect our health? By: Konrad, Joel, Maddie, Courtney
How does the environment effect our health? INTRO The environment effects our health in many ways there are so many resources we rely on and cant live with out and then there are mechanical machinery which can destroy us and the environment The environment plays a big part in us living and being healthy and if that were to disapear we wouldn’t survive.
how does the amount of SPF/sunrays affect our health? By burning your skin time and time again with out your natural body oils to repair it after a long period of time it can cause premature aging which causes less elasticity sags and wrinkle form. If you continue doing this you are more prone or at risk of getting melanoma (skin-cancer). These days there are many different types of sunscreens and SPF ratings but there all different in which really how long they will last until you have to re-apply it again. It also might depend on how thick or thin water on non water resistant it is. Most sunscreens last up till 2 hours or more until you need to re-apply but it might change when or if its water resistant. This affects our health allot because we need to know the facts on how long it will last and when our kids and us need to re- apply.
How does air pollution affect our health? Air pollution is responsible for some major health effects. Every year, the health of a lot of people is ruined or endangered by air pollution. There are many chemicals in air pollution that do affect the human body in negative ways. It depends how sick people get by what chemical they are exposed to. It is estimated that over 50,000 people die in the US by air pollution. Older people are more likely to get these diseases by air pollution. And those with heart or lung disorders are under bigger threat. Babies up to children are also at serious danger.
Air pollution diseases When people get affected by these chemicals it is hard to tell which chemical is causing their sickness, and when 2 of these pollutants mix it intensifies the sickness. Many diseases are sometimes caused by air pollution without it being in your body for a long time. These diseases are bronchitis, lung cancer and heart disease may all become a sickness to a person with their exposure to air pollution. So what causes air pollution? The most common air pollutant is cars, factories, powerplants and coal fired plants. China, united states, russsia, mexico and japan are all world leaders in air polution
How does global warming/climate change affect our health? Climate change is what we call it when more and more of the suns heat is being trapped in our atmosphere. What will happen Rising Sea Levels: Melting Ice Caps cause sea to rise 70 metres Sea will become ‘un-salty’ Psychological Effects: Stress Depression Loneliness Heatwaves: Europe, ,000 people died
Malnutrition: Agricultural Facilities destroyed or out of order Farms converted to deserts Hurricanes and Storms: Ocean temperature key factor to hurricane formation In the last 30 years, power of hurricanes and storms increased 50%
How many diseases can you get from drinking dirty water? Diseases: cholera, typhoid, bacillary dysentery, polio, meningitis, hepatitis A and E and diarrhoea,cholera,Dysentery,Amoebas,Parasites,E. Coli, Guardia and many others These diseases cost the lives of 5,000 children a day and two million children a year. in million people died from infectious diarrhoeas. Diarrhoea has become such a serious illness that it has killed more children in the past ten years than all the people lost in World War II.
What happens if we drink dirty water? People in countries such as China, India and Indonesia are some of the most badly affected areas. Some of the stuff that happens if people drink dirty water is, getting a stomach ach to death.
How does the environment effect our health? CONCLUSION So now you can see there are many ways the environment can disturb our health.the worse the environment gets the worse our health will suffer. Thanks for l;istening
REFERENCE LIST (2006)“Dirty water kills 5,000 children a day” ent Available 24 June ent (2003) “Facts and Figures: Water and Health” URL_ID=1600&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html Available 27 June URL_ID=1600&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html (2005) “What are some deadly diseases you can get from drinking dirty water”. es_you_can_get_from_drinking_dirty_water Available 29 June es_you_can_get_from_drinking_dirty_water Q Q