ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 1 Study of Spectral Moments in Semileptonic b Decays with the DELPHI Detector at LEP Marta Calvi Università di Milano Bicocca and I.N.F.N. On behalf of the DELPHI Collaboration Outline: Moments of hadronic mass spectrum Moments of lepton energy spectrum Interpretation
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 2 Improvement are possible with additional measurements of the characteristics of b–hadron semileptonic decays: · Moments of hadronic mass spectrum · Moments of lepton energy spectrum Comparison of results from different measurements provides a test of the consistency of O.P.E. predictions and of underlying assumptions Motivation (I) V cb, m b and m c are fundamental parameters of the Standard Model which have to be measured by experiments At present, the best accuracy is achievable in the determination of V cb from inclusive semileptonic b-hadron decays: 1 % accuracy Evaluated by theory based on O.P.E., few % accuracy
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 3 Motivation (II) b and b in separate hemispheres ( c ~ 2 mm) good secondary vertex reconstruction and signal/ background separation First measurement of spectral moments in semileptonic b decays at the Z 0 E B ~ 30 GeV large boost Use full lepton energy spectrum in the B rest frame · Advantages of Z 0 kinematics: Get new insight: Use of different theoretical formulations Possible use of higher moments · Challenge: complete reconstruction of the B system
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 4 B d 0 D ** - exclusively reconstructed in the three channels: D ** D 0 +, D ** D + -, D ** D *+ - with D 0, D + and D *+ fully reconstructed and p >0.5 GeV/c Moments of hadronic mass distribution in b semileptonic decays (I) Signal/background separation with a discriminant variable based on: presence of additional charged particles at the charm vertex in addition to D (*), - and impact parameter, secondary vertex quality etc.. theoretical expression for the moments with coefficients different wrt analyses with more stringent limits to the lepton phase space region Leptons with p(Lab)>2 GeV/c
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 5 Moments of hadronic mass distribution in b semileptonic decays (II) D candidates separated in: “right-sign” ( D 0 +, D + -, D *+ - ) “wrong-sign” contributions only from D (*) + - D *+ - “right-sign” D *+ - “wrong-sign” Discriminant variable No evidence for signal in D + - states: BR(b D 0 + - - ) = BR(b D + + - - ) < 0.18% at 90% C.L. BR(b D *+ + - - ) < 0.17% at 90%C.L. D** production rates Fit using background distributions from simulation and data
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 6 Moments of hadronic mass distribution in b semileptonic decays (III) · Fit to m =m(D (*) ) - m(D (*) ) distributions considering resonant D 0 *+,D 1 *+,D 1 +,D 2 + and non resonant D states · Evaluate moments from the fitted D ** mass distribution: Study of the mass distribution of D** states 4 MeV resolution for completely reconstructed D Plus 4/15 MeV smearing for missing 0/ D0+D0+ D+-D+- D *+ -
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 7 Moments of hadronic mass distribution in b semileptonic decays (IV) From the measured and using: = p D m n D +p D* m n D* +p D** p D** =1-p D -p D* derive moments of hadronic mass distribution: From the fit: BR(B 0 D ** - )=(2.6 0.5 0.4)% with broad D 1 * dominant contributing channel M 1 = = 0.534±0.041±0.074 GeV/c 2 M 2 = =1.51±0.20±0.23 (GeV/c 2 ) 2 M 2 ‘= ) 2 >=1.23±0.16±0.15 (GeV/c 2 ) 2 M 3 ‘= ) 3 >=2.97±0.67±0.48 (GeV/c 2 ) 3 DELPHI preliminary results
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 8 Reconstruct the B system: E (B) = E (vertex) + E ( ) + E (v ) Charm vertex from missing reconstruction with energy iterative procedure E =3.2 GeV B direction from B reconstructed momentum and B decay flight direction Boost lepton in B rest frame E B /E B =12% (80% evts) t Tag leptons muons (p> 2.5GeV/c) electrons (p> 3GeV/c) Inclusive semileptonic B decay reconstruction E* lepton 250 MeV Select Z 0 bb events with b-tag algorithm Moments of lepton spectrum in b s.l. decays (I)
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 9 Moments of lepton spectrum in b s.l. decays (II) Without introducing a bias to the lepton energy distribution Use combination of 2 sets of probabilistic variables based on: - Charge correlation - Event topology Background reduction Anti-tagged sampleTagged sample b c b c + b c c misid. leptons decays
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 10 Moments of lepton spectrum in b s.l. decays (III) Unfold resolution effects to get original spectra Correct for: e.m. radiation b u contribution B 0 s and b contribution 1-3 MeV shifts Lepton energy spectrum measurement measured spectrum, background subtracted unfolded spectrum 18,300 electrons+ muons from 1994/95 data
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 11 Moments of lepton spectrum in b s.l. decays (IV) E = (1.383 0.012(stat.) (syst.) ) GeV (E E ) 2 =(0.192 0.005(stat.) 0.008(syst.) ) GeV 2 (E E ) 3 =( 0.005(stat.) 0.006(syst.) ) GeV 3 Preliminary DELPHI results: Preliminary systematic uncertainty from: Monte Carlo modelling: B d,B s, b fractions; D,D*,D** fractions, b fragmentation Background subtraction (controlled with anti-tagged lepton sample) Unfolding procedure and lepton energy resolution Stability of the result checked wrt e/ samples and different working points
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 12 Interpretation of the measurements 2) Running quark masses (M.Voloshin and N.Uraltsev for 0 s 2 and 1/m b 3 corrections) Moments of hadronic mass spectrum and of lepton energy spectrum are sensitive to the nonperturbative parameters of the Heavy Quark Expansion. At order 1/m b 2 , 1, 2 ( 2 0.12 GeV 2 ). At order1/m b 3 1, 2, 1-4 Mass expansion: with: Two different approaches have been followed in this analysis: 1) Pole mass expansions (A.F.Falk, M.Luke and P.Gambino for lepton spectra)
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 13 1 =( ) GeV 3 2 = T i =(-0.5 3,0.5 3 ) GeV 3 DELPHI preliminary results = (0.44 0.07 (exp.) 0.07( 1 /m b 3, s ) ) GeV 1 =(-0.23 0.07 (exp.) 0.08 ( 1 /m b 3, s ) ) GeV 2 Constraints to 1 and from first and second moment of hadronic mass spectrum and lepton energy spectrum Constraints to and 1
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 14 Constraints to m c (1GeV) and 2 Use the correlation between m b and m c : Fix bottom mass from external measurements: m b = 4.60 0.05 GeV and extract m c : DELPHI preliminary results m c ( 1GeV ) = ( 1.19 0.07 ( exp. ) 0.07 ( m b ) 0.04 ( D 3 ) ) GeV
ICHEP 2002, Amsterdam Marta Calvi - Study of Spectral Moments… 15 CONCLUSIONS Measurement of the first three moments of hadronic mass distribution and lepton energy spectrum in semileptonic b decays at the Z 0 has been performed for the first time. Comparison with calculations for non-truncated spectra are satisfactory Constraints on non-perturbative parameters of Heavy Quark Expansion have been derived