National Public Safety Telecommunications Council IWCE Brainstorming Meeting IWCE Brainstorming Meeting National Public Safety Telecommunications Council Ralph Haller, NPSTC Chair
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership. 2 NPSTC Mission Statement NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership.
3 Member and Liaison Organizations Member Organizations (voting): American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials American Radio Relay League Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials – International Forestry Conservation Communications Association International Association of Chiefs of Police International Association of Emergency Managers International Association of Fire Chiefs International Municipal Signal Association National Association of State Chief Information Officers National Association of State Emergency Medical Services Officials National Association of State Foresters National Association of State Telecommunications Directors National Emergency Number Association National Sheriffs’ Association Associate Members (non-voting): Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group Telecommunications Industry Association Liaison Organizations (non-voting): Federal Communications Commission Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications National Telecommunications and Information Administration Office of Emergency Communications Office of Interoperability & Compatibility SAFECOM U.S. Department of Interior Department of Justice NIJ COMMTECH
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership. 4 Our Goals Create vision for the future of public safety communications Develop common policy perspectives through collaborative forums of leadership in public safety Educate appropriate governmental bodies regarding public safety communications issues, policies and priorities Serve as a resource for public safety practitioners and leaders on communications issues Influence future technologies, providers and standard making bodies to ensure public safety interests are appropriately represented Advocate the interests of public safety communications Facilitate coordination, dispute resolution and the exchange of effective practices, tools and information
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership. 5 Our Strategies Create forums for the exchange of information and ideas Facilitate communications through our organizations to inform our participants of products and goals Bring together the collective wisdom of public safety and communications leaders and experts (best and brightest) Respond to regulatory issues that impact public safety communications
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership Priorities NECP Implementation Spectrum requirements Borders Outreach Support OIC through identifying and filling technology gaps All 700 MHz initiatives, narrowband voice and broadband.
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership. Structure of Organization Structural Definitions –Member Officially designated representatives of each of the 17 participating non-profit organizations whose members are predominately governmental entities and/or employees of governmental entities. NPSTC members consist of these representatives to the NSPTC Governing Board. –Participant Any individual or organization that has interest in public safety communications. –Liaison Officially participating federal agencies and industry associations. –Committee Member Committee members include the Working Group volunteers and the Committee meeting attendees
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership. 8 Organization Chart
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership. 9 Public Safety Award Richard DeMello Award NPSTC presents an annual award to one individual in public safety communications who has demonstrated the highest levels of personal and professional conduct and performance in the local, state and national public safety communications arena. Award Received NPSTC Administrator will contact the winner to make travel arrangements NPSTC’s DeMello award is presented at the November RCA Award Ceremony Publication of winner with biography distributed through the newsletter & e-bulletin Nomination Packet Distributed via the Participants Listserv Posted on the website All nominations sent to the Support Office Routed to Governing Board for selection Governing Board Selects a Winner
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership. 10 Past Award Winners Harlin McEwen 2006 John Powell 2007 Charles Werner 2008
NPSTC is a federation of organizations whose mission is to improve public safety communications and interoperability through collaborative leadership. 11 Discussion …