The Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association Inc. Jackie O’Connor – AOPA Project Officer
Competency ◦ What is expected in the workplace ◦ Apply skills and knowledge Competency Standards ◦ Competencies a O&P must demonstrate for Australian workforce eligibility ◦ Document describes what an employee MUST be able to do, not what they CAN do ◦ Must reflect the consensus of the membership ◦ Reflect the skills and attitude an individual MUST have to develop with work experience
Determine and maintain quality of AOPA membership ◦ International Health Practitioner assessment ◦ Inform education sector of workplace requirements Assist with managing students & employees ◦ Define minimum level of performance ◦ Inform behaviour based interviews & position descriptions ◦ Allow monitoring and measuring ◦ Guide clinical supervision & mentoring ◦ Support personal and continuing education development plans
Promote profession widely ◦ Raise awareness of orthotist/prosthetist capabilities ◦ Inform workforce innovation Multidisciplinary roles Define extended and advanced scope of practice Allow controlled development of assistant workforces Protect the value of your skills and membership ◦ Facilitate consistent practice standards ◦ Ensure life long learning amongst all ◦ Enhance self-regulation
1 st edition: 1999 2 nd edition: 2003 Technological advancement Improved recognition of allied health Need for workforce reform Increased International Health Practitioner interest Focus groups ◦ Expert & Graduate 3 rd edition: 2013 DRAFT YOUR VALIDATION OF THE DRAFT
Delphi = Series of Surveys ◦ Rate your level of agreement with aspects of the document ◦ Comment ◦ Offer suggestions 3 Surveys – early Dec, late Jan, late Feb 2 nd & 3 rd round survey ◦ Adjustments to document in light of feedback ◦ Receive your individual response and group summary ◦ Data relates to the level of agreement ◦ Allows for informed change of opinion without peer pressure
Current active AOPA member Need for interaction with competency standards ◦ Recent involvement on AOPA board or related committees ◦ Student involvement ◦ Studied overseas ◦ Recent Bachelor degree 20% of membership Reflecting current membership demographics
Maximum 5 hours Consider participation Participation for entirety is vital Reply YES to (or No ) Results to be published Consent = and survey reply Participant Information Statement attached THANK YOU!