Flexible working Elspeth Wedgwood Senior HR Advisor
What is flexible working? Part time hours Job sharing Compressed hours Annualised hours Staggered hours Working from home / different locations Phased retirement
Flexible Working policy Eligibility One application in 12 month period Have worked continuously for 26 weeks Be making the application to care for a child or adult* * Please note that this eligibility requirement only applied until 29 June 2014.
Change in legislation From 30 June 2014 the right to request to work flexibly will be extended to cover all employees
Benefits of flexible working Increases morale Reduces absence levels Reduces resignations Promotes the University as an employer of choice
Rejecting a request The burden of additional costs An inability to reorganise work amongst existing staff An inability to recruit additional staff A detrimental impact on quality A detrimental impact on performance A detrimental effect on ability to meet customer demand Insufficient work for the period the employee proposes to work A planned structural change
How would you handle a request?