Student Life Insert name Barnsley College
What are we going to cover? What do you get out of being a student? Which university? Time management Academic life Social life Paid work Volunteering & enhancement Accommodation Being a new housemate Money Further information
What do you get out of being a student? If you make the most of your student experience… Increase subject & general knowledge Gain a qualification Gain work experience Make life- long friends Become more independent Increase self- confidence Have the time of your life!
Which University? What do I want from University? Home or away?City or Town? Campus or non-campus? Accommodation? Academic resources? Sport / leisure facilities? Nightlife? Does it offer the right course?
Time management Academic Lectures, seminars, assignments, projects, meetings, group work research, dissertation Social & enhancement Clubs & societies, volunteering, exercise, sports, pubs & nightclubs Domestic Accommodation, cooking, washing, cleaning, grocery shopping Financial Bills, rent, food, books, clothes, travel part time work, budgeting
Academic life You’re more responsible for your studies More facilities i.e. 24 hr library computer room Much less structured than school/college 30 hours self study time (reading) Strict deadlines
Student support / services Study Skills –Academic Skills Tutors –24 hour computer labs –Library induction Student Services –Careers service –JobShop –Disability support –Faith Centre –Counselling University Health Centre - register during fresher weeks
Social life Students’ Union –Freshers’ week –Societies/sports clubs –Entertainment Formal dinners/balls Concessions from: –Local nightclubs –Theatres/cinemas –Restaurants –Clothes shops/hairdressers Schedule in some relaxation time – even during busy assessment periods
Paid work Work –You may need to get a part time job –Try not to make paid work your priority – 15 hours a week maximum –Remember you will have to work for a living for the rest of your life!
Volunteering / enhancement –Student newspaper / radio –Student participation schemes; Ambassador, tutor & mentor –Students’ Union elections – Executive officers “Being a student tutor was a good experience, and I loved having something to do with my life and felt like I did something worthwhile instead of just watching daytime TV!” Elizabeth Beech (June 2007)
Accommodation Halls of residence - student village or smaller unit? Student houses - private or university owned? Live at home? Check contracts for: –Payment details – when you pay, e.g. termly, monthly etc –Deposits and retainers
Being a new housemate Share bills Keep things tidy Draw up rotas Learn to cook
Money 2012 Fees up to £9,000 per year, repayable with Student Loan after you graduate and earn £21,000 + (huddersfield fees £7,950) Maintenance Grant up to £3,250 National Scholarship Fund – available if you meet certain criteria Maximum loan for 2012/13 is £5,500 per year (living away from home) Fees and Loan repaid according to your income
Sample student expenditure (Source: The Complete University Guide 2009) £ Weekly (40 weeks) Rent£65 Utility bills£6.50 Food & toiletries£46 Laundry£3.95 Insurance£2.60 Phone £10 Clothes£12 Travel£11 Books & equipment£15 Social & leisure£30 Other£13 ANNUAL TOTAL£8,172
Things current undergraduates wish they’d known (Source: Getting In Getting On 2010 – UCAS HE Guide) “That leaving 3000-word essays to the night before is not a good idea” “How to have remembered the names of the hundreds of people I met in Freshers’ week!” “How many things can be made from pasta (and pasta sauce)” “Not to waste my student loan” “Just how amazing it would be”
Further information University of Huddersfield – Campus Digs – National Union of Students (NUS) – The Complete University Guide – Push guide (independent guide to UK universities ) – Yougo (provides information and social networking for students) – Studential (provides information about going to university and the application process) –
We offer a lively environment for study with excellent and distinctive degrees Over 22,000 students study with us, on over 400 courses Follow HuddersfieldUni on Open Days Wednesday 13 June 2012 Saturday 22 September 2012 Wednesday 31 October 2012 Thursday 1 November 2012