Latin Roots #2 English 2 Mrs. Lucidi
Root: err, erra Meaning: to wander Sample Words: -erratic -errant
Erratic Having no fixed course; wandering; lacking consistency Jennifer’s erratic heartbeat worried her doctor.
Errant Roving (in search of adventure) ; straying from the proper course David lives an errant life. He constantly looks for an adventure and has lived in several countries.
Root: fac, fic, fec, fect Meaning: make, do Sample words: -facsimile -fiction -manufacture
Facsimile An exact copy; a method of transmitting images by electronic means The secretary often uses a facsimile to send documents to other offices. (FAX)
Fiction An imaginative creation that does not represent actuality, but has been invented ; a lie Sarah likes to read fiction.
Manufacture To make or process into a finished product Car companies (Ford, Toyota, etc.) manufacture cars.
Root: grad, gress, gred Meaning: step, move Sample Words: -ingredient -aggression
Ingredient Something that is an element in a mixture or compound. My grandma’s cookie recipe calls for the following ingredients: sugar, butter, eggs, chocolate chips, and flour.
Aggression The act of commencing hostilities ; assult ; hostile action or behavior Norman displayed a lot of aggression when he knocked Billy over and punched him several times.
Root: mal Meaning: bad Sample Words: -malevolent -malefactor -malfunction -malfeasance
Malevolent Having ill will ; malicious ; having an evil influence Frank’s malevolent personality lead him straight to jail.
Malefactor One who has committed a crime ; a criminal The malefactor was sentenced to life in prison after he murdered his second victim.
Malfunction To fail to function ; to function abnormally Tina’s cell phone began to malfunction after she dropped it in the toilet.
Malfeasance Misconduct or wrong doing Senator Dunn was accused of malfeasance when he was caught shuffling money into his personal bank account.